Parker Theater Productions - A Non-Profit bringing the arts to South Denv...
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Press Release: May 7, 2014 We are so proud that our sister company has won the peoples choice for enriching your kids with the arts! Parker Theater...
Cast List for Guys & Dolls Please respond to Kim’s email to confirm your part. Over 160 kids and adults auditioned for this show. Thank you...
Parker Theater Academy Lets Kids put on a Show A creative week for creative kids! Are you between the ages of 6-18 and have a passion for theatre...
Auditions for Parker’s Summer Community Theater Production of: Guys & Dolls Dates: Dance audition Tuesday, April 8.  ...
What do Arles Struvie, Thurston Wheelis, Aunt Pearl, Petey Fisk, Phineas Blye and Rev. Spikes have in common? In this hilarious send-up of small...
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