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The latest version of PartyFoul is available now in the App Store, and we’re feeling pretty good about it. Among the changes are: a vastly improved Friend...
Hot on the heels of version 1.1 of PartyFoul, we’re proud to announce version 1.2 of PartyFoul! What’s new? Add Photos: You can tack a photo onto your...
There’s a fresh new version of PartyFoul in the App Store, and with it comes a couple of new features we’re pretty excited about. The first is the redesigned...
You’re hanging out with some friends and playing a little PartyFoul at the house. Then you decide to go out. You get to the bar and give one of them Kudos...
When you first run PartyFoul, it’ll ask you to either create a new account or Connect With Facebook. The vast majority of our players use the Facebook...
If someone tells you a friend of yours dropped a beer, you’ll laugh and forget about it. If they tell you a friend of yours cheated on his wife, that...
Originally, we considered any two people or more interacting with each other to be a ‘party.’ This included friends-of-friends, so if I foul’d you, and...
Unfortunately PartyFoul has no news yet.