Pasadena Surgeons
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Should Your Breast Implant Go under or over the Muscle? The decision to go over or under the chest (pectoralis) major muscle when performing breast augmentation...
A tummy tuck removes fat AND excess skin. Liposuction removes fat ONLY and relies on skin contraction and scarring beneath it to change the body contour...
This is one of my favorite patients and what I think is probably one of my better tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) results. She is shown below preoperatively...
With the continued development of new technologies in plastic surgery, “mommy makeovers” are now more common. A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes...
For centuries, women (and even men) relied on corsets to change the appearance of their bodies particularly in the abdominal region. The inverted conical...
More and more regular people just like you and me are turning to facelift surgery in order to look young again and improve their look. No sane person...
The enemy is gravity. When we are young, we have defenses against this nemesis. Our skin contains collagen and elastin, proteins which break down over...
In today’s day in age, women are no longer scared to admit to wanting cosmetic surgery, especially after giving birth. New mothers will readily admit...
Breast Augmentation FAQs It is important for patients to learn all that they can before getting any type of cosmetic surgery. If you are considering...
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Liposuction? You should expect to take seven to 10 days off from work in order to recover. Dr. Lakshman may recommend...
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Liposuction? You should expect to take seven to 10 days off from work in order to recover. Dr. Lakshman may recommend...
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