Pencinta Merah...The Red Lover...The Red Diva
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jangan terkejutmemang saje saya post entry baru kat blog lama saya have moved to my new domain, months agooooooooo, but ai still...
My lovely frens,please go back to my . the domain is up post will be uploaded from dotcom.see you there....http://redmummy...
i have to hold all entriessemua gambar aku uploaded from domain lama, and la ni lak my server is transferringtu pasal gambar x keluarkelam kabut tollah...
i shall update bout chess, but nanti2 lah..i miss my son so much. lama tau ai tak tidur ngan dia. lama tu adalah semalam 2 hiks. biasanya weekend mmg...
aku kesian kat readers aku lah...separuh kat sana separuh kat sini. statistic aku abih lari...which is not good. i dont like it but nak buat camne kan...
kepala weng2 ha amik gambar pun jadik blur.... the empty bottles of my perfumes set aku campak in this basket in my office, but semalam aku kena bawak...
bohonglah aku x kecewa dengan keadaan domain aku skang...aku sangat2 sakit hati and menyampah wt that senihost. im not blaming sirman or sesapa pun, i...
nak carut x carut..geram gila seiii!!!we had conference call..3 ways between me myself, sirman and the senihost server!!!macamana aku x gila geram, bayo...
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[...] just finished my futsal, baru pas mandi and aku nak tidoq!what s the result for Orange Team?hiks..jap gi yer.. [...]
[...] The whole bunch of my Orange Team...I have 7 players for the ladies, cukup2 utk substitute 2 players. We met Blue, Red and Green. [...]
[...] i have a story to tell you today.aku kenal sorang ni. dia ni kononnya seopis la ngan aku. Kita jumpa just hi hi gitu jer. tak penah pun nak kenal and get to know each other. never have [...]
[...] just finished my futsal, baru pas mandi and aku nak tidoq!what s the result for Orange Team?hiks..jap gi yer.. [...]
[...] malam af aritu, ada peserta dia pakai red dress kan. sekalik bagai kukenal saja dress itu...sebabnya aku mmg dah aim ngan dress [...]
[...] . aku kenal akak Tok Ti jer ....sapa2 yang ada dapat Isetan nya magazine, cuba korang belek, sama kan kan kan? namanya Chiffon Pleated Dress... [...]
[...] bangun dr tido petang, aku hangin x hengat...masa ni anak2 ngah swimming ngan bapaknya... bilik ni mmg x de cabinets yet, saje aku x penuhkan coz sementelah gegirl masih tido ngan kami. this [...]
[...] kenal sorang ni. dia ni kononnya seopis la ngan aku. Kita jumpa just hi hi gitu jer. tak penah pun nak kenal and get to know each other. never have the satu hari dia terbaca [...]
[...] huhuuuu....bukan my fav pun, tp aku makan le jugak 2,3 cucuk... aku malas nak keluarlah, selain nak layan af, kononnya lah sudahnya melayan cerekarama. lgpun dah dapat agak kaki aku mesti ada light2 [...]
[...] karamkan bilik ni, so 3,4 kali gak lah fifin mengemas. tapi sunday bangun dr tido petang, aku hangin x hengat...masa ni anak2 ngah swimming ngan bapaknya... bilik ni mmg x de cabinets yet, saje aku x [...]
[...] just finished my futsal, baru pas mandi and aku nak tidoq!what s the result for Orange Team?hiks..jap gi yer.. [...]
[...] The whole bunch of my Orange Team...I have 7 players for the ladies, cukup2 utk substitute 2 players. We met Blue, Red and Green. [...]
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