Pension Transfers, Financial Advice Scotland
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The subject of what tax you will pay on your pension comes up quite frequently, so I decided to do this quick video post to clarify what the government...
Paying tax on your savings and investments is a simple fact of life. However, if you hold money in cash accounts you will be receiving very low interest...
New pension freedom rules are being introduced in April 2015 which will enable savers to access their pension fund at any time from the age of 55. This...
Hi everyone, Budget time already?! Not quite but it is that time again for the Autumn Statement… Yesterday the Chancellor delivered his last Autumn Statement...
(Securing a reliable retirement). With sweeping pension and retirement reforms underway now in the UK, there is new freedom and flexibility on how people...
Radical and pensions are not normally two words you’ll find sitting together often but last week’s budget statement certainly put paid to...
Pension Liberation Fraudsters (In my opinion they should be jailed) I’ve had many calls over the last year by people who have wanted to access money...
Cliff Richard will obviously have no money concerns when he finally stops treading the boards and retires, but what about the rest of us? Well, with so...
Hi everyone, Just a quick post today to give you the heads up on a new project I am involved in. I have long been a fan of the Dunfermline Press and the...
This is a new initiative provided by the Government to help first time buyers or current home owners who wish to buy property but have limited funds....
Hi everyone, Sober reading today… There are some real horror stories of people who have unwittingly lost money when buying annuities, but in some...
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