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Courtesy Bed bugs are usually associated with places full of dirt, clutter and debris. However, it is possible to find these bugs in clean...
Even the best of us have been known to jump at the sight of a mouse or a rat in the room they are mostly harmless when its the single one, but they can...
Image courtesy of Clover mites are tiny mites related to the tick & spider family. These mites have a reddish-green color, their front...
Most people dislike insects and would take any measures to eradicate them completely. This is mostly due to their invasive and destructive nature. Ants...
Silverfish, also known as fishmoths and carpet sharks, or paramites, are small, annoying creatures you might have the misfortune to have invade your home...
Rats have been around for a long time. There are different types of rats in the world today. They cannot really live for long in the absence of human...
Bats are nocturnal, flying mammals. They are actually the only mammals that can naturally sustain flight. They love to inhabit dark, secluded areas;...
Bed bugs are a small parasitic insect that feed exclusively on the blood of warm blooded animals, and unlike other blood-sucking insects who feast on...
Stink bugs are distinguished by the shield-like shape of their body, and are commonly small and brown (around 17mm) and can be identified by a white band...
With the beginning of the human civilization there appeared unwanted companions who often settled down near people’s houses or even inside them. Termites...
With the beginning of the human civilization there appeared unwanted companions who often settled down near people’s houses or even inside them...
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