Petri Kainulainen
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The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
Spring Framework 6.2 introduced the new MockMvcTester API which allows us to write cleaner tests for Spring MVC controllers, and when we couple it with...
The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
The year 2024 is coming to an end and I want to celebrate the new year by writing a blog post that recollects my own "testing journey" and gives some...
The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
I have written my share of bad unit tests. Sometimes (but not always) those tests were so shallow that they didn't really test anything, and yet, they...
The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
The Clean Test Automation Monthly is a monthly blog post that highlights the best test automation content which I read during the current month. This...
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[...] , RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION); } } We can see two things from the source code of the ProviderSignInUtils class: The getConnection() method gets a ProviderSignInAttempt [...]
[...] the title and description of the entity if valid values are given as method parameters. The source code of the Todo class looks as follows: Additional Reading: Item 2: Consider a builder when faced [...]
[...] CRUD operations for that entity. Our entity class is called Todo and the relevant part of its source code looks as follows: You can get the full source code of the Todo class from Github. Also, we [...]
[...] is responsible of starting and shutting down the Spring WebApplicationContext. The source code of the WebAppConfig class looks as follows (Sitemesh configuration is highlighted): If you want [...]
[...] reports must be created in separate directories. In other words, the code coverage report for unit tests must be created into a different directory than the code coverage report for integration tests. [...]
[...] When we write unit tests that use mock objects, we follow these steps: Configure the behavior of our mock objects. [...]
[...] Spring MVC provides an easy way to create REST APIs. However, writing comprehensive and fast unit tests for these APIs has been troublesome. The release of the Spring MVC Test framework gave us the [...]
[...] A few years ago I was one of those developers who write unit tests for my data access code. I was testing everything in isolation, and I was pretty pleased with [...]
[...] our example application. Spring MVC Test Tutorial describes how we can write both unit and integration tests by using the Spring MVC Test framework. Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Integration Testing [...]
[...] When we are writing integration tests for a function that saves information to the database, we have to verify that the correct [...]
[...] The first thing that we have to do before we can start writing integration tests for our data access code is to decide how we will configure our test cases. We have two [...]
[...] Real Database Schema The second part of this series taught us that we should configure our integration tests by using the same configuration which is used by our application. It also taught us that is [...]
[...] thefollowing: The build script of the example application must use the Maven central repository. The example application must write the received [...]
[...] , read section 1.2 of the Spring Framework Reference Documentation. The reason why this example application uses Spring Framework 3.2.6 instead of 4.0 is that at the moment spring-test-dbunit isn& [...]
[...] assumes that you have already created the Facebook and Twitter application used by the example application. You can create these applications by following these links: Facebook Developers Twitter [...]
[...] ? It is time to get our hands dirty and answer to these questions. The requirements of our example application are: It must be possible to create a “traditional” user account. This means [...]
[...] A good unit test should fail for only one reason. This means that a proper unit test tests only one logical concept. If we want to write clean tests, we have to identify those [...]
[...] order to understand what is wrong with using the standard JUnit assertions, we have to analyze a unit test which uses them. We can write a unit test which ensures that the construction of new Person [...]
[...] assertEquals(expectedDescription, actual.getDescription()); } } Now we can write a unit test for the create() method of the TodoCrudServiceImpl class. The source code of our test class [...]
[...] tested method]_[expected input / tested state]_[expected behavior]. For example, if we write a unit test for a registerNewUserAccount() method which throws an exception when the given email address is [...]
[...] I think that the integration testing of Spring Data Repositories is an important and often neglected topic. That is why I [...]
Spring Data JPA makes the creation of JPA repositories extremely easy because in most cases we only have to create a special repository interface. The [...]
[...] over the invocation of the scheduled tasks. That is [...] Related Stories Screencast: Integration Testing of Spring Data JPA Repositories Spring Data JPA Tutorial: Integration Testing Spring Data [...]
[...] ; Related Stories Unit Testing of Spring MVC Controllers: Configuration Screencast: Integration Testing of Spring Data JPA Repositories Integration Testing of Spring MVC Applications: Migrating [...]
[...] is divided into three important phases which are described in the following: Read the database configuration from the profile specific configuration file. We want to use the same configuration file [...]
[...] the properties file. The contents of the file looks as follows: #Database Configuration db.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver db.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/socialtwitter db. [...]
[...] ’t use in-memory database). The file looks as follows: #Database Configuration db.driver=org.h2.Driver db.url=jdbc:h2:mem:jooq;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE; [...]
[...] , RequestAttributes.SCOPE_SESSION); } } We can see two things from the source code of the ProviderSignInUtils class: The getConnection() method gets a ProviderSignInAttempt [...]
[...] the title and description of the entity if valid values are given as method parameters. The source code of the Todo class looks as follows: Additional Reading: Item 2: Consider a builder when faced [...]
[...] CRUD operations for that entity. Our entity class is called Todo and the relevant part of its source code looks as follows: You can get the full source code of the Todo class from Github. Also, we [...]
[...] is responsible of starting and shutting down the Spring WebApplicationContext. The source code of the WebAppConfig class looks as follows (Sitemesh configuration is highlighted): If you want [...]
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