
Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, '' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition '' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About '' Channel

Phongvu Vietnam Technology Hardware software IT Guide

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately has no news yet.

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?Key Phrases
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[...] result, more users are now turning to other handset brands instead of buying the big-name international brands such as Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Samsung and Nokia. These big-names are facing tough [...]

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