Pip & the Magpies
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My darling little Auggy, Wow these last 2 months have gone in a whirlwind of firsts, walking, more teeth, and general doses of life! I am so sorry that...
This little man is just the most wonderful thing me and the Wonderful dutchman have ever done! Yeah its hard work and we are having a period of sleep...
Hey my clever walker! Yep Mama was right...this month you WALKED!! You took your first few steps on the 12th June 2013...I was so proud and so was Papa...
Darling Boy, So much has changed this month. You have developed a LOT. I feel like the days have flown by and you have achieved and learnt so much....
Dearest Auggs, The photo above melts my heart. You & Papa snoozing in our bed a year apart...can you see your newborn wrinkly hands? and your dark...
Today we lit a candle for little baby Vaughan Leonard... ...too beautiful for this world... ...soaring high, with the Angels... The newest twinkle...
1 year and three weeks It had to be done The first haircut Another item to treasure The baby now looks like a boy Mama's heart is a tiny bit sad
Master August Willem Birthday Boy, Today you are ONE!! A year ago today you entered this world loudly and quickly at 3.15am...the second you were placed...
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[...] . Bring it on August...I cannot wait for another amazing year with you by my side. Love Always, Mama xxx [...]
[...] of fun, learning, love, magic and joy. May all your dream come true Always Pip. Love Always, Mama xxx [...]
[...] our world in a million ways...each one for the better. You have my heart little man. I love you Mama xxx [...]
[...] . More memories, more fun...It will be magical for us all. Be bold my beautiful boy. Love Always, Mama xxx [...]
[...] Happy half year Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy six month Birthday, Happy Birthday to yoooooouuuuuu! This month your Auntie Charlotte had a darling little girl; Isla Grace. You [...]
[...] couldn't not put up your pirate pom poms, flags, bunting & a few balloons. We sang Happy birthday and you tried chocolate cake for the first time! It was sweet and perfect. Nana was there too. [...]
[...] sling You play peek-a-boo, lifting your blanket to cover your eyes then dropping it to reveal a huge grin! You had your first fall...and bruise! I have spent 19 months loving & nurturing you. [...]
[...] Oma also did this! Standing is the new sitting up. You love to sip from a cup you always have a huge grin after. You walk perfectly in your walker, and even go backwards You have started opening [...]
[...] Fun! you love all your toys and play with each one with intrigue and a slight frown...then a huge grin once you work out that it makes a noise or moves... stacking cups are a favorite you love to [...]
[...] it....I think you might have a love for tea...or maybe a Dutch love of coffee more like! At baby sensory you dressed up as a pirate captain for pirate week...we were the only ones dressed up but [...]
[...] has been wonderful...we have moved house, seen lots of friends and family and started back at baby sensory. We have had play dates, long journeys and plenty of smiles, giggles and happy chatting! This [...]
[...] in the moment. Thank you for them August... You are my wonder...My masterpiece. I love you, Mummy xxx [...]
[...] days so full to the brim with happiness and joy. I adore you Pip the Pickle & always will, Mummy xxx [...]
[...] The first haircut Another item to treasure The baby now looks like a boy Mama's heart is a tiny bit sad [...]
[...] have mastered sitting up You are moving up to all the big boy classes, which makes me a tiny bit sad that we won't see all the dinky babies come in. Shiver me timbers you were a baby pirate! [...]
[...] Rocking horse You have had a huge growth spurt You felt a frosty leaf You have a talking Dutch clock! You can put your whole dummy in your mouth You have started to suck your thumb This month has [...]
[...] sideways in your high chair! You still wave like crazy You bounce to the beat of the music You Dutch clock ALWAYS gets you smiling and laughing You hate strong wind You hate the car seat You saw your [...]
Dearest Auggs, The photo above melts my heart. You & Papa snoozing in our bed a year apart...can you see your newborn wrinkly hands? and your dar [...]
[...] your little personality shining through. Bring on another glorious month little one. Ik hou van jou Mummy xxx [...]
[...] August? With maybe more sleep? I adore you with every tiny atom in my body and soul. Hugs, Mama xxx P.S I want to see teeth next month please! [...]
[...] . Bring it on August...I cannot wait for another amazing year with you by my side. Love Always, Mama xxx [...]
[...] of fun, learning, love, magic and joy. May all your dream come true Always Pip. Love Always, Mama xxx [...]
[...] our world in a million ways...each one for the better. You have my heart little man. I love you Mama xxx [...]
[...] . More memories, more fun...It will be magical for us all. Be bold my beautiful boy. Love Always, Mama xxx [...]
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