PDI | Political Data


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'PDI | Political Data' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'PDI | Political Data' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'PDI | Political Data' Channel

Trusted Data & Tools for Change

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'PDI | Political Data' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'PDI | Political Data' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'PDI | Political Data' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately PDI | Political Data has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Election Day (updated)

[...] Updated at 5:15PM Election Day is here, and one last day for campaigns to try and prove Sac Bee Columnist Dan Walter’s 25% [...]

Election Day

[...] Election Day is here, and one last day for campaigns to try and prove Sac Bee Columnist Dan Walter’s 25% [...]

2014 General Election Universes, and ProTips!

[...] mail-in ballots are received, and a second pass to late Absentees and poll voters closer to Election Day. The final universes, 14GGOTV and 14GWRAP are unique to PDI and have only been used in one [...]

Modeling is the New Black

[...] ’t declare a permanent partisan status – they just pick a party they want to be with on Election Day. In that data-poor landscape, modeling must be used to help you find voters who should [...]

How up to date is your Voter File?

[...] business.  As we get to the close of the 2014 election season we can see this in action with a voter file that has had all but two counties updated in the past 13 days, with another 44 updates of [...]

The Miracle of New Registrants

[...] on the ground. In one Northern California district in 2012, a candidate not using PDI had a voter file that had last been updated 35-days out from the election. That sounds like it should be pretty [...]

Low Registrations at 2014 Deadline

[...] .  A similar, but smaller surge has been seen in the 2006 and 2010 elections. The voter file has few ways to really see “voter enthusiasm” but clearly, the number of voters rushing [...]

Modeling is the New Black

[...] or likelihood of a voter to turnout and vote. These formulas are then run across the entire voter file giving every voter a score which can then be used as a way to drive campaign resources. In some [...]

Evidence of Low Turnout Gaining

[...] district, along with reports for each 58 counties can be found in our daily Count Report: PDI Statewide Returns by District 5.27 (PDF) [...]

Nearing Closing Time

[...] document for every campaign in California – Who has voted, by District and county: PDI Statewide Returns by District 5.28 (PDF) [...]

The Turnout Games

[...] . And, again, today’s district-by-district, county-by-county count sheet of ballots cast: PDI Statewide Returns by District 5.29 (PDF) [...]

It Gets Better (just kidding… it doesn't)

[...] absentee ballot return spreadsheet based on the latest returns we received on Friday. PDI Statewide Returns by District 5.30 (PDF) [...]

Deadline Day in California

[...] voters that register in the last two weeks.  And, as always, Political Data will have these new registrants on our client systems, directly from each of the 58 counties, as soon as it is available. [...]

The Miracle of New Registrants

[...] ’t in the voter modeling project, or maybe the campaign wasn’t even aware of the surge in new registrants that had been done on the ground. In one Northern California district in 2012, a candidate [...]

Low Registrations at 2014 Deadline

[...] , particularly with the ease of registering online, we saw just 53,000. The full picture of new registrants statewide and within each district can be seen in our New Registration Tracker, which is [...]

Evidence of Low Turnout Gaining

[...] of turnout, particularly among partisan voters.  This same chart, but keyed to the 2012 election cycle shows the same partisan slipping, but a more stable vote from those not aligned with either [...]

Election Day (updated)

[...] close to the 2.285 million ballots that were received by PDI on the eve of the 2012 election cycle. The daily tracker of partisan returns shows some recovery among Dems and Reps from last week, [...]

Election Day

[...] close to the 2.285 million ballots that were received by PDI on the eve of the 2012 election cycle. The daily tracker of partisan returns shows some recovery among Dems and Reps from last week, [...]

The Miracle of New Registrants

[...] New Registrations play an important part of every election cycle. Campaigns can be won or lost based on months-long efforts to build a larger voting base, and [...]

All Turnout Is Local?

[...] interesting finding in this data which can be seen statewide – the reduced turnout among partisan voters, and stability or increase in non-partisan voters.  Go ahead and use the scrolling tool to [...]

Signs of A Low Turnout Election

[...] of where they stand going into Election Day. Are they seeing the rates of returns for their partisan voters, or are they seeing the quantity of returns they expected given the amount of outreach they [...]

Evidence of Low Turnout Gaining

[...] daily log of returns we see a more dramatic slipping of turnout, particularly among partisan voters.  This same chart, but keyed to the 2012 election cycle shows the same partisan slipping, but [...]

The Miracle of New Registrants

[...] differential. This year PDI has released a public tool allowing campaigns to see the new voter registration, compare to 2012 and 2010 voter registration surges, and see how the newly registered [...]

Low Registrations at 2014 Deadline

[...] for each county, and in it we find some surprising datapoints. The late surge of voter registration in past election years was documented in a prior blog posting.  As that writeup [...]

Modeling is the New Black

[...] with voter models: Know your data first. A couple years ago an East Coast firm sent us modeling data splitting the state in half and asked for two mail files based on those scores. We found out [...]

Signs of A Low Turnout Election

[...] ballots available. The raw number is still tracking, but as a percentage of potential absentee voters, the numbers are slipping. The percentage of Absentee Voters turning in their ballot was [...]

?Key Phrases
Election Day (updated)

[...] Updated at 5:15PM Election Day is here, and one last day for campaigns to try and prove Sac Bee Columnist Dan Walter’s 25% [...]

Election Day

[...] Election Day is here, and one last day for campaigns to try and prove Sac Bee Columnist Dan Walter’s 25% [...]

2014 General Election Universes, and ProTips!

[...] mail-in ballots are received, and a second pass to late Absentees and poll voters closer to Election Day. The final universes, 14GGOTV and 14GWRAP are unique to PDI and have only been used in one [...]

Modeling is the New Black

[...] ’t declare a permanent partisan status – they just pick a party they want to be with on Election Day. In that data-poor landscape, modeling must be used to help you find voters who should [...]

? Locations

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