Political Street
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As the potential harm of Obama’s amnesty bid for possibly more than 5 million illegal aliens residing in the United States becomes clearer, members of...
With the stroke of a pen, Barack Obama will strip black Americans and their children of their economic civil rights and opportunities in favor of illegal...
Barack Obama plans to announce an executive order in Las Vegas on Friday to address immigration reform, CNBC has confirmed. Another source familiar with...
The Senate rejected an attempt to get cloture on the measure, with 41 senators (all Democrats or independents) voting to stall the measure which would...
Supporters of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson successfully crowd-sourced the funds to put up a #PantsUPDontLOOT billboard in Ferguson. Don Alexander...
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard on Monday afternoon. According to a news release, the role of...
In a statement released early this week, Senior chairmen of the UN’s Committee Against Torture dismissed the couple’s plea entirely. “The sense of entitlement...
Vladimir Putin reminded the world last month that he has over 5000 nuclear bombs at his disposal yet western leaders continue to try and get under his...
A Republican congressman known as a pit bull in Washington said Thursday that he doesn’t support the idea of impeachment proceedings against President...
MANASSAS, Va. – Michelle Obama’s children have a private chef at their private school and they receive gourmet meals. But that is not the case for children...
Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu is trailing her Republican challenger by a giant 16-point margin in a runoff for one of Louisiana’s two U.S. Senate seats...
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