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Source: The Diplomat - North Korea has ample Stalinist architecture. It has a towering monument to the Dear Leader wearing a giant bronze anorak. It has...
Source: Albion Alliance - Common agricultural policy (CAP) reform Following agreement by the Council on its general approach and the European Parliament...
Source: Albion Alliance - At its meeting on 22 April 2013, the Council supported the Irish presidency’s efforts to broker a deal with the European Parliament...
Source: Albion Alliance - Economic governance The regulations relating to economic governance in the euro area introduce enhanced monitoring of countries...
Source: Albion Alliance - The Council gave a mandate to the Commission to negotiate updated savings tax agreements with Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Monaco...
Source: Albion Alliance - Syria The Council’s decision allows transactions in oil and petroleum products and related financing, as long as they are made...
Source: The Freedom Association - Civil Liberties Coalition clashes over Home Secretary’s plans to revive controversial ‘snooper’s charter’ – The Independent...
Source: On Think Tanks - Politics & Ideas, a new think net focused on the study of the relationship between these two fundamental forces in policymaking...
Source: Socialist Courier - Both the Faculty of Advocates and the Law Society of Scotland have criticised the Courts Reform (Scotland) Bill. The Faculty...
Source: Belfast Telegraph - Politics - Thieves who stole thousands of pounds worth of tools from a brain injury charity have been branded "wicked and...
Source: Belfast Telegraph - Politics - Victims campaigner Ann Travers said she was overwhelmed after SDLP grandee Seamus Mallon accused the party of giving...
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