Pollution News


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Pollution News' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Pollution News' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Pollution News' Channel

Latest Pollution Articles and News

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Pollution News' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

Advanced readability level of 'Pollution News' content is probably targeted at well-educated subscribers as not all readers might clearly understand their texts. There are also some articles with medium readability level.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up more than a quarter of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Pollution News has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Climate change from black carbon depends on altitude

[...] Palo Alto, CA—Scientists have known for decades that black carbon aerosols add to global warming. These airborne particles made of sooty carbon are believed to [...]

Climate change from black carbon depends on altitude

[...] Palo Alto, CA—Scientists have known for decades that black carbon aerosols add to global warming. These airborne particles made of sooty carbon are believed to [...]

Climate change from black carbon depends on altitude

[...] Palo Alto, CA—Scientists have known for decades that black carbon aerosols add to global warming. These airborne particles made of sooty carbon are believed to [...]

Saving millions of lives and protecting our climate through clean cooking option...

[...] is a stated goal of the United Nations and is a key entry point for reducing emissions of black carbon and other particulates - known to negatively impact the climate. The scale of the issue and [...]

Steep increase in global CO2 emissions despite reductions by industrialized coun...

[...] -2009 recession. These figures were published today in the report "Long-term trend in global CO2 emissions," prepared by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre and PBL Netherlands [...]

Steep increase in global CO2 emissions despite reductions by industrialized coun...

[...] -2009 recession. These figures were published today in the report "Long-term trend in global CO2 emissions," prepared by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre and PBL Netherlands [...]

Deep oceans may mask global warming

[...] about a decade or so, and warming would then resume. This study illustrates one reason why global temperatures do not simply rise in a straight line." The research, by scientists at NCAR and the [...]

Deep oceans may mask global warming

[...] about a decade or so, and warming would then resume. This study illustrates one reason why global temperatures do not simply rise in a straight line." The research, by scientists at NCAR and the [...]

Deep oceans may mask global warming

[...] about a decade or so, and warming would then resume. This study illustrates one reason why global temperatures do not simply rise in a straight line." The research, by scientists at NCAR and the [...]

Extreme global warming in the ancient past

[...] that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during the MECO resulted in increased global temperatures, rather than vice versa, arguing that the increase in carbon dioxide played the lead role. & [...]

Hotspots of carbon confusion in Indonesia threaten to warm the world more quickl...

[...] carbon and their protection from drainage and fire play a crucial role in the reduction of carbon emissions. Peatlands occur both within and outside of the forest estate and are source of emissions [...]

Hotspots of carbon confusion in Indonesia threaten to warm the world more quickl...

[...] carbon and their protection from drainage and fire play a crucial role in the reduction of carbon emissions. Peatlands occur both within and outside of the forest estate and are source of emissions [...]

Steep increase in global CO2 emissions despite reductions by industrialized coun...

[...] Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main cause of global warming – increased by 45 % between 1990 [...]

Steep increase in global CO2 emissions despite reductions by industrialized coun...

[...] Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main cause of global warming – increased by 45 % [...]

?Key Phrases
Climate change from black carbon depends on altitude

[...] Palo Alto, CA—Scientists have known for decades that black carbon aerosols add to global warming. These airborne particles made of sooty carbon are believed to [...]

Climate change from black carbon depends on altitude

[...] Palo Alto, CA—Scientists have known for decades that black carbon aerosols add to global warming. These airborne particles made of sooty carbon are believed to [...]

Climate change from black carbon depends on altitude

[...] Palo Alto, CA—Scientists have known for decades that black carbon aerosols add to global warming. These airborne particles made of sooty carbon are believed to [...]

Saving millions of lives and protecting our climate through clean cooking option...

[...] is a stated goal of the United Nations and is a key entry point for reducing emissions of black carbon and other particulates - known to negatively impact the climate. The scale of the issue and [...]

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