Preshing on Programming
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C is a simple language. You’re only allowed to have one function with each name. C++, on the other hand, gives you much more flexibility: You can have...
Flap Hero is a small game written entirely in C++ without using an existing game engine. All of its source code is available on GitHub. I think it can...
I just released a mobile game called Flap Hero. It’s a Flappy Bird clone with cartoony graphics and a couple of twists: You can go in the pipes (wow!...
Consider the lowly text file. This text file can take on a surprising number of different formats. The text could be encoded as ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16...
Plywood is an open-source C++ framework I released a few weeks ago. It includes, among other things, a runtime module that exposes a cross-platform API...
For the past little while – OK, long while – I’ve been working on a custom game engine in C++. Today, I’m releasing part of that game engine as an open...
In the previous post, I presented a basic system for runtime reflection in C++11. The post included a sample project that created a type descriptor using...
In the previous post, I presented a basic system for runtime reflection in C++11. The post included a sample project that created a type descriptor using...
In this post, I’ll present a small, flexible system for runtime reflection using C++11 language features. This is a system to generate metadata for C...
In this post, I’ll present a primitive reflection system using C++11 language features. Basically, this is a system to generate metadata for C++ types...
Lately I’ve been writing a game engine in C++. I’m using it to make a little mobile game called Hop Out. Here’s a clip captured from my iPhone 6. (Unmute...
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