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So I have been playing this neat little tower defense game that involves Pokemon. Even if your not crazy about Pokemon still like TD games you should...
As some of you may know, Team Fortress 2 is now completely free. Since this is one of my favorite games of all time I thought I would share a video and...
Hey there is a new game released on newgrounds which I think you should all check out. Its pretty much filled with memes to the brim. I loved it but ...
So sorry I have not made a new post in a week. Its been midterm season so I have had hardly anytime. Anyways I am posting another game which is a fun...
Soo im posting links to 3 more games on newgrounds that are similar in style to the last 2 that I posted. However as a warning these games do contain...
This game is a followup to my last post since it is by the same author and in a similar style. Enjoy! Anarchistificationer
So I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. This here is the hardest game on the internet. Pointless Platformer P.S. I am lying, it is not hard...
So I think I'll be sticking with the theme for a while of introduce (or reintroducing) flash games that I find thought provoking, extremely creative,...
So I thought Id follow up my previous post with a link to the original 10 games that were posted that where thought provoking. 10 games that make...
So I have stumbled (literally) upon someones else's blog who had a list of interesting flash games that you might enjoy. link: 20 cool games My favorite...
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Just a small blog about my interests, mostly video games, movies, and music
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