Projekt Wolfenstahl


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Projekt Wolfenstahl' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Projekt Wolfenstahl' Channel

Projekt Wolfenstahl HQ

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Projekt Wolfenstahl' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'Projekt Wolfenstahl' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. In addition the channel contains materials of a basic readability level, making up more than a quarter of its content.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up more than a quarter of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Projekt Wolfenstahl has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Character introduction: Esmoda

[...] Originally I wanted to restructure the character introduction after Feranias post, but... I didn't do it back then... well... I'll simply do that now [...]

Upcomming blogpost themes

[...] . I'll try my best to do 2 posts per week. First of all there will be one weekly "character introduction", just like I did with Ferania, but perhaps a little bit more structured. I'm trying [...]

Character introduction: Sanura

[...] wednesday, but there was just too much stuff going on. So I wasn't able to deliver this character introduction earlier, sorry for the delay! On a side note, we're seriously thinking about getting the [...]

Character introduction: Ferania

I'm a bit late with writing this blogpost, but here it is. FYI, I figured it would be a nice idea to introduce a character each week. In those articl [...]

Geisterhand on hiatus - new game project

[...] a wall of text in this post, I thought it would be better to do several smaller posts in the upcoming days. So stay tuned! One more thing though... Possible new heroine: [...]

Plans for the game

[...] more frequently. So... yeah... most likely I'll spare some details and do a new post in the upcoming days. (just so you know) First of all: Thanks for everyone who gave their votes! I think I'll tell [...]

Random thoughts

[...] the middle of implementing the fighting system and stuff. Maybe, if nothing bad happens in the upcoming days we can show some ingame screenshots this weekend. But I can't promise that... <img alt=& [...]

Customizable controls

[...] Part 2 of the enemies (with sketches or pixel art samples) will come in the upcoming days. I've read all the comments so far, and while I didn't initially plan on having human enemies, [...]

Current status report

[...] this, it's like... some sort of "present", you could say. (obviously, this "test game" won't be sold, as it's far away from being a fleshed out game) Time consumption wise, this [...]

Merry X-Mas!

[...] to learn stuff about it) And I did several other things, which I experimented with in a "test game". However, since this test game just consists out of place holders and some sketches, it's [...]

No idea how I should name this post

[...] placeholder graphics. As well as a lot of sketchy stuff. It's pretty clear that this is a "test game", never intended to be a full-game. The games main purpose is to figure some programming [...]

January progress

[...] stuff. And then we'll be able to show what we've been working on. Even if it just is a "test game" (so don't expect too much!). Crescentia just needs to make 2 sketched CG scenes and 1 [...]

Small status report

[...] into something else) Since we're short at least 2 weeks, we decided to cut down from 15 to 13 CG scenes. (well, we want to get it done as soon as possible, while being as good as possible, and I doubt [...]

current game project info

[...] now we'll leave it as is. These CG scenes are not animated, but they'll have several pictures per scene and they'll have text (narrative). [...]

A game without music?

[...] are not included in the demo) But if you run into attacks/bullets, you'll obviously take damage. CG scenes have effects (flashing etc.) and lots of text, but no sound effects. There are several secret [...]

Geisterhand trial version

[...] it will be included in the full version. (it's just that we decided that having 4 out of 13 CG scenes in the trial version, should be enough) If you're not able to read japanese, you can switch the [...]

Music implemented - final testing of the demo

[...] Good news, everyone! We've got all the important pieces of music for the demo version. So the critical release condition has been fulfilled! I'm just doing some final fixes, small [...]

A game without music?

[...] , since we haven't done it before. Basically this means: We have absolutely no idea, when the demo version will be released. It might be next week, but it might also take another 2-3 weeks. (well we [...]

Geisterhand trial version

[...] Since everything seems to be fine, I think it's safe to release the demo version. You can download it here: [Geisterhand Trial] Aside from several missing sound effects ( [...]

current game project info

[...] to that, I have good news for all of you guys and girls out there that can't wait to play a demo version of this game: Well... we decided to release the game VERY early on to our patrons on Patreon. ( [...]

Character introduction: Claire

[...] – Demi-god God allegiance: Hellwolf Team: Team Schwarzfels Rival: Ferania Height: 1,72 meters Hobbies: Sleeping, watching TV and anime, reading books and manga, listening to music, playing [...]

Character introduction: Catheline

[...] allegiance: Hellwolf Team: Team Schwarzfels Rival: Aurora (a little bit) Height: 1,80 meters Hobbies: Being a curious cat, talking a lot, asking a lot of questions, flirting with guys. [...]

Character introduction: Grizelda

[...] Bear – Demi-god God allegiance: Hellwolf Team: Renegade (no Team) Rival: Esmoda Height: 1,82 meters Hobbies: Swimming, gambling, card games, observing, watching stuff. Destroying things, causing [...]

Character introduction: Minori

[...] Rival: Aurora (not really, but they compete in martial arts occasionally, kinda) Height: 1,63 meters Hobbies: Training her martial arts abilities, doing sports, drawing manga characters etc. Reading [...]

Character introduction: Shiwa

[...] is: Shiwa, the demonic wolfgirl! Name: Shiwa Type: Wolfgirl – Demi-god God allegiance: Hellwolf Team: Renegade (no Team) Rival: Ferania, Claire, Aurora Height: 1,65 meters Hobbies: [...]

Character introduction: Esmoda

[...] : Esmoda, the polar bear girl! Name: Esmoda Type: Polar Bear – Demi-god God allegiance: Hellwolf Team: Independent (no Team) Rival: Grizelda (I didn't introduced her yet) Height: 1,80 meters [...]

Character introduction: Claire

[...] ... seriously... lol) Name: Claire Schwarzfels Type: Wolfgirl – Demi-god God allegiance: Hellwolf Team: Team Schwarzfels Rival: Ferania Height: 1,72 meters Hobbies: Sleeping, watching TV and anime, [...]

Character introduction: Catheline

[...] going! Name: Catheline Type: Catgirl (Liger = Lion + Tiger) – Demi-god God allegiance: Hellwolf Team: Team Schwarzfels Rival: Aurora (a little bit) Height: 1,80 meters Hobbies: Being a curious [...]

Enemy Boss: Gladius

[...] by all the demi-gods that serve under him. Team Wolfenstahl with Ferania as team leader. Team Schwarzfels with Claire as team leader. Esmoda, Grizelda, Sanura, Shiwa and several other individuals. [...]

Character introduction: Claire

[...] This week is Claires turn, Team Schwarzfels ninja-pirate wolfgirl leader... with psychic powers! (no kidding... seriously... lol) Name: [...]

Character introduction: Catheline

[...] not sure which character to pick next week. I could either pick Minori, the third member of Team Schwarzfels, or I could go with Grizelda, who's Esmodas rival. I think I might pick Grizelda next, but [...]

Slow progress and stuff

[...] planned. Planned additions for the future: First of all, we decided to include hentai sprite animations for every enemy. But keep in mind, that since I don't like this to interfere with the [...]

Creating new games!

[...] boss which is... a lot... Our new game has planned: - regular CG scenes with text - hentai sprite animations during gameplay ~5 different enemy races (Orcs, etc.) - 1 final boss which is, without a [...]

current game project info

[...] animated, but they'll have several pictures per scene and they'll have text (narrative). Hentai sprite animations: Quite a lot of them actually. They're faster to make than CG scenes, so we're [...]

Small status report

[...] just that no graphics had been made during this period. We also decided to not do any hentai animations for the bosses, because the character sprites are way too small. You can't even see [...]

current game project info

[...] . Which is pretty much manageable, I think. And yup, those are all "ingame" hentai animations, no game over needed in order to see them. How will the gameplay be like? I really want to [...]

?Key Phrases
Character introduction: Esmoda

[...] Originally I wanted to restructure the character introduction after Feranias post, but... I didn't do it back then... well... I'll simply do that now [...]

Upcomming blogpost themes

[...] . I'll try my best to do 2 posts per week. First of all there will be one weekly "character introduction", just like I did with Ferania, but perhaps a little bit more structured. I'm trying [...]

Character introduction: Sanura

[...] wednesday, but there was just too much stuff going on. So I wasn't able to deliver this character introduction earlier, sorry for the delay! On a side note, we're seriously thinking about getting the [...]

Character introduction: Ferania

I'm a bit late with writing this blogpost, but here it is. FYI, I figured it would be a nice idea to introduce a character each week. In those articl [...]

? Locations

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