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If that was a set up to watch the Fords fail, Sun News certainly went about it in a funny way. Yesterday we told you about our reasons for believing...
Tonight marks the debut of one of the all-time world champion assholefests you or I are ever likely to see in our lifetimes. Ford Nation, Sun News Network...
Today has been pretty slow thus far as compared to yesterday. Some interesting things did happen of course--Council stripped Mayor Ford of his committee...
"Be careful on what you write." - Rob Ford, November 13, 2013 It's D-Day. Nuclear Wednesday. Armageddon. Whatever the fuck. It's one hell of a day...
Anthony Smith, one of the men in the infamous photo of Rob Ford in front of 15 Windsor Road, the alleged crack house, was shot and killed on March 28...
From a brief Twitter exchange with Toronto Star crime reporter Jennifer Pagliaro, who is at the courthouse while the fate of the release of the Rob Ford...
As I pointed out the other day, we're in some weird terrain at the moment. We have a mayor who's admitted to smoking crack, who's lied to us numerous...
On Wednesday I wrote an open letter to a few different constituencies regarding the Rob Ford mess. One of those groups to whom part of it was addressed...
So here we go. Rob Ford's mom and sis think he's a little troubled but basically alright. His brother thinks he should take a week or two off (because...
It is the second day since the mayor of Toronto admitted that during his time in office he smoked crack while in a drunken stupor. He hasn't quit yet...
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[...] of left wing politicians in a stunning display of false equivalency, actually compared Rob Ford to the late Princess Diana for the media persecution he's received. This constituted the [...]
[...] is terrible. Rob Ford is really, really crappy. Rob Ford is just the worst. There, now that the polite part of my letter is out of the way, let's get to [...]
[...] Here's a fun little exercise for a Monday. We've been laying off the Rob Ford story/trainwreck/crap-o-rama for the last little while because we (by which I really mean I) [...]
[...] "Be careful on what you write." - Rob Ford, November 13, 2013 It's D-Day. Nuclear Wednesday. Armageddon. Whatever the fuck. It's one [...]
[...] -time world champion assholefests you or I are ever likely to see in our lifetimes. Ford Nation, Sun News Network's "reality show" starring our hopefully-soon-to-be-erstwhile mayor and his [...]
[...] If that was a set up to watch the Fords fail, Sun News certainly went about it in a funny way. Yesterday we told you about our reasons for believing [...]
[...] wrongness. Let's take his letter piece by piece: Many people are asking me to work to remove Mayor Ford from office. To the core of my being I believe it should not be up to elected officials to [...]
[...] as compared to yesterday. Some interesting things did happen of course--Council stripped Mayor Ford of his committee appointment powers and his emergency management powers. Ford in [...]
[...] consequences. I have zero sympathy for Rob Ford's disease. You are a terrible human being, Mayor Ford, one who fucked over the very "little guy" you profess to care about, the little guy [...]
[...] it. By my own completely subjective, uninformed, inexpert and unscientific reckoning, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is a clinical psychopath (at least in the UK). Are you people ready for Olivia yet? [...]
[...] that this supposed news broadcast was in fact a candidate's infomercial for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford that contravened several campaign contribution and advertising statutes. It has been [...]
[...] relatively unscathed (unlikely, I know, but possible). As a band that ran afoul of another Toronto mayor once said: memory is a strange thing. By next October enough of his casual supporters might [...]
[...] . And now the next chapter, as Sun News scores the most wanted man in news. The embattled Toronto mayor and his brother City Councillor Doug Ford kick off the Ford Nation show on Sun News [...]
There you have it. I gave their editorial staff several days to respond to my question seeking clarification for why I'd been banned for asking them [...]
So, John Cook, editor of Gawker and the guy who messed up the whole Rob Ford crack tape thing pretty badly, put up a long post yesterday about why p [...]
[...] would not exceed the $2500 maximum contribution value allowable from any one entity to a Toronto mayoral candidate. Now, to the issue with the campaign period. Section 70.(2) states that "a [...]
[...] leading up to the election in the Arctic or something? All we talked about, all most Toronto media talked about that year was the shitshow that is Rob Ford. The Florida thing. The [...]
[...] of left wing politicians in a stunning display of false equivalency, actually compared Rob Ford to the late Princess Diana for the media persecution he's received. This constituted the [...]
[...] is terrible. Rob Ford is really, really crappy. Rob Ford is just the worst. There, now that the polite part of my letter is out of the way, let's get to [...]
[...] Here's a fun little exercise for a Monday. We've been laying off the Rob Ford story/trainwreck/crap-o-rama for the last little while because we (by which I really mean I) [...]
[...] "Be careful on what you write." - Rob Ford, November 13, 2013 It's D-Day. Nuclear Wednesday. Armageddon. Whatever the fuck. It's one [...]
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