RPP Financial
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I recently found an article on Forbes that I thought would be very fitting given the time of year. With the end of the year coming, many will begin...
I recently came across a great Q&A session at Bankrate that I felt compelled to share. I have received many questions in the past about how...
I recently started a HARP 2.0 Refinance with Wells Fargo. Before I started the refinance process I did some research online and found that...
Life rarely goes as planned. That’s why it’s always good to have an emergency fund in the bank. Brad Smith, CEO of debt management company...
Anyone looking to change credit cards wants to make sure they get the best card available. Which credit card is the best will depend on what you...
With interest rates hovering near all time lows, everyone is talking about refinancing their home. Some people have curious talk asking things like...
I recently found an article that speaks to optimizing the returns available on the currently abysmal CD rates. While it is the full recommendation...
Credit guidelines for home mortgages are extremely tight right now. To qualify for the best rates available you need a great credit score, low debt...
A lot of investors are making the change from mutual funds to ETFs. So what is an ETF? An ETF, or Exchange Traded Fund, is essentially a mutual...
A lot of investors are making the change from mutual funds to ETFs. So what is an ETF? An ETF, or Exchange Traded Fund, is essentially a mutual fund...
For those of you that don’t know an ETF or Exchange Traded Fund is a mutual fund that trades like a stock throughout the day. We recently...
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