Ramaji Satsang
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Be sure to enjoy Ramaji’s Eye Gazing Satsang in the last few minutes. Ramaji conveys the joy of the Self. He explains that once you are able to...
RAMAJI San Diego, CA Ramaji gives public Satsang and RASA once a month in San Diego, California. Please go to his Meetup.com site. Here is the link:...
Ramaji giving RASA (Ramaji Advaita Shaktipat Attunement) to Fred, Koort and Brenda in San Diego in July, 2012 to the sounds of “With Arms Wide Open...
This is an artist’s impression of the RASA (Ramaji Advaita Shaktipat Attunement) experience. Please enjoy this beautiful spiritual video. ...
The BioElectric Shield is the one bioenergetic tool that Ramaji has found to work consistently as a protection against the widespread intensely invasive...
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