Ramblings on startups, NYC, advertising and hacking (mostly Python)
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Just received the 2019 Fox Float X2 and right away I noticed that Fox has moved to a retaining wire to hold the air sleeve in place (rather than the small...
This has been documented elsewhere previously but for my own recollection, here it is again. If you create a typical UTF-8 database (CHARACTER SET utf...
I’ve been doing a bit of ecommerce work lately and one of my needs was a credit card field for a Django form. Ideally it needed to support all major cards...
Here’s a handy little shell script for counting lines of code (recursively in all directories beneath the current directory) based on the type of file...
After recently installing Security Update 2015-004, I found that I could no longer browse to any website using the root certificate “VeriSign Class 3...
django-storages provides a variety of storage backends in a single library. Unfortunately it hasn’t seen a release since March of 2013 despite widespread...
Django 1.8 was released back on April 1 and there’s a few things to be aware of when making the upgrade… 1) django.contrib.formtools has been removed...
Analyze any URL and find out how to make it fast on both mobile and desktop. Give it a try. Filed under: Hacking Tagged: Google Developers, PageSpeed...
Analyze any URL and determine if the page has a mobile-friendly design. Read more here. Filed under: Hacking Tagged: Google Developers, Mobile-Friendly...
Filed under: Startups Tagged: Fred Wilson, Jason Calacanis
I recently had a use case where I needed to have a single form that could act as either a create or update form. The tricky part was that I wouldn’t know...
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Jay Hung
Software guy, tiny investor, and bon-vivant-at-large. I wear 7 Jeans and Happy Socks.
Coconut Oil Review
Mobile News. Strategic Mobile News.
Web Product Development - Strategy, Design, UX, PHP, Python, JS, startup partner company. We help you build your busines...