Random Thoughts Re Scots Law by Paul McConville
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Brother Walfrid’s Resolution Brother Walfrid created Celtic football club in 1888 as a funding conduit to lessen poverty in the east end of Glasgow...
A couple of days ago the BBC reported, as did various other sources, that the SPFL was considering pursuing “Rangers” for the fine of £...
Just before 1pm today the Stock Market noted that there had been a sale, at a price of 41p per share, of 3,328,672 shares in Rangers International Football...
Fresh from the stock market announcements section, we can see that, in advance of the AGM in December, Rangers have signed up a new CEO, and this time...
The Inner House of the Court of Session has today upheld the decision of Lord Woolman in the case of the SPFL v Lisini Pub Management. The full decision...
Richard Keen QC, the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, has found his way into the minds of football fans through his high-profile involvement in matters...
JM Barrie wrote Peter Pan, a fantasy set in a world where miraculous and mysterious things happen and where the villains are remarkable creations, ready...
After the flurry of activity last month which saw Rangers International Football Club PLC fixing an AGM, refusing to accept motions for the appointment...
Back in August I wrote a blog post which referred to a statement from the official Rangers website. You can read my full post here. It covered the attempt...
And so James Traynor sails off into the sunset… As reported on the official Rangers website:- RANGERS today announce that Director of Communications...
Hi! I’m back! Did I miss anything? Contrary to the non-existent rumours, I have not spent the last week locked in a store cupboard in Murray Park...
Unfortunately Random Thoughts Re Scots Law by Paul McConville has no news yet.
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[...] today:- The Board of Rangers is pleased to announce that it has today appointed Charles Green as a consultant to the Company. Mr Green’s role will be … Continue reading [...]
[...] . There was not long to wait. Today’s Scotsman reported the following from the Sun:- Charles Green has fired his first shot in the civil war … Continue reading → [...]
[...] I complimented Rangers for its open-ness in publishing Mr McCoist’s severe criticisms of Charles Green, blaming him for the … Continue reading → [...]
[...] – the investors who want to appoint Frank Blin and Paul Murray to the board on the other. Charles Green is somewhere involved in the battle, but … Continue reading → [...]
[...] The Stock Exchange is a marvellous thing. Openness and clarity in dealings! The following line hgas just popped [...]
[...] This morning saw two announcements from the Board of RIFC PLC to the Stock Exchange. The first reads:- Rangers announces that it was notified on 19 August 2013 that Imran Ahmad [...]
[...] Club PLC EGM continues! At 1pm today Rangers made the following announcement to the Stock Exchange:- Further to the announcements on 22 and 28 August 2013, the Company confirms that the [...]
[...] Wednesday evening, around 6.10 pm, the following statement was released by Rangers to the Stock Exchange. Further to the announcement on 2 September 2013, the Company confirms that the Board’s [...]
[...] Saturday evening seems to be a time for interesting news on the official Rangers website. A couple of weeks ago we had the incredible disappearing post on the Rangers website & [...]
[...] for me to have a few minutes for writing! At about the time my last post went up, the official Rangers website issued another “Club Statement”. They have been coming think and fast over [...]
[...] Chairman of Rangers Intergalactic Football Club PLC. He has issued a statement via the official Rangers website tonight confirming that this is … Continue reading → [...]
[...] And so James Traynor sails off into the sunset… As reported on the official Rangers website:- RANGERS today announce that Director of Communications James Traynor has left the Club. [...]
[...] efforts of Rangers to ensure that the Ibrox outfit is the only one ever discussed in Scottish football. In baseball … Continue reading → [...]
Rangers* do not have financial problems. Their Finance Director made that clear last week. They have £10 million in the bank after all! But the [...]
[...] The darkest dirtiest secret in Scottish Football has now been revealed and it will shake the Beautiful Game to its core as well as the [...]
Regular readers will recall that Craig Whyte, the former owner of Rangers (or to be accurate the person believed to be the ultimate owner of the compa [...]
[...] have already been? Today proves that indeed that is the case. Remember we are dealing with a football club which has been described as … Continue reading → [...]
[...] Brother Walfrid’s Resolution Brother Walfrid created Celtic football club in 1888 as a funding conduit to lessen poverty in the east end of Glasgow: “A football [...]
[...] I was reading the BBC website report on the meeting of “influential” Rangers fans with senior members of the Rangers organisation last night, and the resultant call for Charles [...]
[...] There was a meeting of “influential” Rangers fans on Thursday with the senior officials of Rangers*. (*More precisely of the company which owns [...]
[...] proceedings for damages against his former employer. The official Rangers statement said:- Rangers fans are now … Continue reading → [...]
[...] was on the point of leaving Ibrox. The Rangers website today has the following statement:- RANGERS announces that Walter Smith has today resigned from his … Continue reading → [...]
[...] have signed up a new CEO, and this time one with a football track record. The Board of Rangers announces that … Continue reading → [...]
[...] saw two announcements from the Board of RIFC PLC to the Stock Exchange. The first reads:- Rangers announces that it was notified on 19 August 2013 that Imran Ahmad no longer has a notifiable interest [...]
[...] I have to announce to Rangers supporters that I have decided to step down as Chairman of Rangers Football Club. It is, I am convinced the correct thing to … Continue reading → [...]
[...] which bought Rangers* last year. (By Rangers* I mean the assets and business which make up Rangers Football Club and which were bought by the company which is … Continue reading → [...]
[...] of the company which owns the company which owns the assets and business which make up Rangers Football Club). I want to … Continue reading → [...]
Tonight has brought some interesting news which has caused consternation and weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst the Rangers faithful. It i [...]
[...] Perhaps the Rangers Board thought that a flurry of good news in the form of the accounts together with lots of positive [...]
[...] record is not a great one. As I said earlier this week when discussing the refusal by the Rangers Board to accept the motion seeking appointment of new directors from the “Rebel” side, [...]
[...] today:- The Board of Rangers is pleased to announce that it has today appointed Charles Green as a consultant to the Company. Mr Green’s role will be … Continue reading [...]
[...] . There was not long to wait. Today’s Scotsman reported the following from the Sun:- Charles Green has fired his first shot in the civil war … Continue reading → [...]
[...] I complimented Rangers for its open-ness in publishing Mr McCoist’s severe criticisms of Charles Green, blaming him for the … Continue reading → [...]
[...] – the investors who want to appoint Frank Blin and Paul Murray to the board on the other. Charles Green is somewhere involved in the battle, but … Continue reading → [...]
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