Recent Questions - Information Security Stack Exchange
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On 2023-02-02, openSSH 9.2 added EnableEscapeCommandline to the ssh client, defaulting to "no". Explaining as: This option defaults to "no", disabling...
I added a FIDO2 token to my encrypted root parition with The tool has three option for configuring what I need to unlock the volume: I activated two...
My parents constantly block me of the home wifi for any minor inconvenience. I have already tried changing my IP address on both my iphone and mac but...
I'm working on a CTF where to obtain the flag I need to trigger the admin user of a Flask app to reveal it. The way this has to be done is through a CSRF...
I got a DAST scan that reports an issue on a web application. It says "The web application contains a link to a non-existing domain" and its marked with...
I have a (web-)application which has the feature, that it allows some of its users to execute certain shell commands. E.g., I can authorize the user jdoe...
My web application has been deployed using Apache 2.4.3 and PHP 7.4.2, and it is hosted on a public DNS. I received an advisory from a security firm...
I'm talking about the 'Application Directory Attack' on Windows, where the attacker plants a dll which an executable depends, into the same folder as...
I heard about the method and think that my neighbour is using this technology on me. Is it possible for private persons to get the equipment at all?
I am looking for reputable libraries or solution providers that offer reliable, well-maintained, and well-documented implementations of post-quantum cryptographic...
Two weeks ago (Feb 25, 2025), CISA added CVE-2024-49035 to its catalog of actively exploited vulnerabilities. Now, the thing is: CVE-2024-49035 is not...
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