Recent Questions - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
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Perhaps because I'm primarily a coder, I don't understand the benefit of CI/CD, or any related terms such as scrum, agile, etc. In my opinion, testing...
Is it possible to make binary search more cache friendly? I found this: but I'm not sure if that's helping...
I’m working on a simulation software that involves a somewhat tricky user input setup, and I could use some advice on structuring it in a way that’s both...
My problem is as follows: I'd like to represent a directory/files-type structure in memory as efficiently as possible. By efficient, I mean: Quick retrieval...
I recently came across some code: The above is Go, and attempts to cast to an interface and then runs the method for that interface against the struct...
As many, we use microservices in my company and there's some debate in my group whether a microservice has e2e tests on it's own. I know e2e tests by...
I asked this question on Stack Overflow Discussions, but it does not seem to be receiving responses. Then it occurred to me that it is in fact suitable...
I am developing a hobby project utilizing an event sourced + event based architecture. In this application, I can allow my users to schedule automated...
I’m currently creating a class diagram to develop an application following the “Clean Architecture” guidelines by Robert C. Martin. I’m unsure about how...
We have a dev branch, and just created a release1 branch from it. Folks will commit relevant content to release1, and we'll need that content in dev for...
The Carnegie Mellon Database Group invited the creator of sqlite D. Richard Hipp to talk about SQLite - The Databaseology Lectures - CMU Fall 2015. Richard...
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