Recreation and Entertainment


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Recreation and Entertainment' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Recreation and Entertainment' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses medium-length articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Recreation and Entertainment' Channel

The Hottest and Controversial Entertainment Ever.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Recreation and Entertainment' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Recreation and Entertainment' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Recreation and Entertainment' contains more negatively biased articles than positive or neutral ones (e.g. it may include some critical or negatively biased opinions on the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Recreation and Entertainment has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch” or dog. The Mayweather video on YouTube was [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] that was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch” or dog. The Mayweather video on YouTube was [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch” or dog. The Mayweather video on YouTube was reportedly recorded last September 2 that was two days after Margarito- [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch” or dog. The Mayweather video on YouTube was reportedly recorded last September 2 that was two days after Margarito- [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] On the Ustream video that was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch” or [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] On the Ustream video that was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch& [...]

Manny Pacquiao – Another Success!

[...] -round bout with unanimous decision. Pacquiao admitted that he was also hurt by the Mexican fighter Antonio Margarito. Continue Reading [ Here ]… Filed under: Sports [...]

Manny Pacquiao – Another Success!

[...] -round bout with unanimous decision. Pacquiao admitted that he was also hurt by the Mexican fighter Antonio Margarito. Continue Reading [ Here ]… Filed under: Sports [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

On the Ustream video that was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

On the Ustream video that was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling [...]

Pacquiao-Margarito Fight – Miguel Cotto (Ring Side)

[...] Miguel Cotto the former opponent of our pound-for-pound king Manny Pacquiao will be at the ring side to witness the fight of Manny Pacquiao against Antonio [...]

Pacquiao-Margarito Fight – Miguel Cotto (Ring Side)

[...] Miguel Cotto the former opponent of our pound-for-pound king Manny Pacquiao will be at the ring side to witness the fight of Manny Pacquiao against Antonio [...]

Manny Pacquiao – Another Success!

Manny Pacquiao again conquered another championship belt for the WBC super welterweight division he defeated Antonio Margarito last afternoon (Philipp [...]

Manny Pacquiao – Another Success!

Manny Pacquiao again conquered another championship belt for the WBC super welterweight division he defeated Antonio Margarito last afternoon (Philipp [...]

Manny Pacquiao – Another Success!

[...] another championship belt for the WBC super welterweight division he defeated Antonio Margarito last afternoon (Philippine Time) on their 12-round bout with unanimous decision. Pacquiao admitted [...]

Manny Pacquiao – Another Success!

[...] another championship belt for the WBC super welterweight division he defeated Antonio Margarito last afternoon (Philippine Time) on their 12-round bout with unanimous decision. Pacquiao admitted [...]

?Key Phrases
The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch” or dog. The Mayweather video on YouTube was [...]

The Unbeaten Mayweather Jr promise to kick Pacquiao’s Ass

[...] that was uploaded on YouTube the unbeaten Floyd Mayweather Jr. disparaged the pound-for-pound champion Manny Pacquiao by calling him a “Pooch” or dog. The Mayweather video on YouTube was [...]

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