Renee Mill
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One of the major causes of stress today is money. Not only for “battlers”, but for people on all levels of society. Of course, financial hardship is...
Since the 1970′s, self-esteem has been a buzz word. It began with the “I” generation”, a generation of people who were striving for happiness and self...
Many parents have told me that it is impossible to work together. They say that their differences are so huge that they will never agree. Differences...
Anxiety and stress interfere with many aspects of thinking, planning and remembering. In fact, Daniel Goleman the doyenne of EQ theory says: “Stress...
My experience is that many people today love to talk about themselves but are inept at listening. One personal example that springs to mind is when my...
Mindfulness is a buzz word in psychology today. It is not a new practice. It is an old practice, newly appreciated, by modern Westerners who are tired...
No matter how you package it, negative feedback is just that: negative. Most people do not like receiving it and do not respond well. For four decades...
When a couple first meet, it is exciting. One loves the feeling of closeness and mutual understanding. Suddenly there is this person who thinks like you...
Did you know that anxiety can interfere with your ability to communicate? Here’s how: When you are anxious, you literally cannot think straight...
Children and adults with Effective Functioning Disorder (EFD) have difficulty organising time and space. They may also have ADD or ADHD and/or learning...
Fred is a ten year old boy who finds every school day a nightmare. From getting ready for school, to fitting in with the family routine, to keeping up...
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