Renee Robinson


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Renee Robinson' channel has an outstanding rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a month ago. In addition 'Renee Robinson' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Renee Robinson' Channel

Inspiring you to live with intentional purpose

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Renee Robinson' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

'Renee Robinson' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are a smaller number of articles of intermediate readability.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Renee Robinson has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Most Popular Posts From the First Half of 2014

[...] I want to say thank you for trusting me with your inbox.  If you haven’t trusted me yet, consider subscribing to receive posts via email here in the bottom right corner.  You will receive a free [...]

Know Your Enemy

[...] : God’s truth abideth still, His kingdom is forever. If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament [...]

Create An Intentional Christmas

[...] a free copy of Seeking Christmas while you are there. If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

Don’t believe the lie that God won’t give us more than we can handle

[...] to be the power you need to face what you can’t face. If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

I Just Want To Be Alone

[...] today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – Finding the True Meaning Through Family [...]

God Bless Our Christmas

[...] today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – Finding the True Meaning Through Family [...]

How to survive when the to-do list is too long, plans fall apart, and life is to...

[...] today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – Finding the True Meaning Through Family [...]

Dear Son, Why I Want You To Fail

[...] today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – Finding the True Meaning Through Family [...]

Answered Prayers, Unexpected Gifts, and Lyme Disease

If you have been reading along our health journey with my 9-year-old, you know that we have had 3 instances of unexplained knee swelling over the cour [...]

The Unexpected Secret to Parenting We Are Searching For

When I “met” Jeannie Cunnion via email for the first time, I knew we would be fast friends. Her authentically sweet spirit testifies to the grace [...]

When Your Christmas Season Doesn’t Go According To Plan

I walk past the 4 foot tree in the upstairs hall and take note. A sprinkling of handmade ornaments hang on its branches. The rest of the ornaments rem [...]

Longing for Christmas Rest

As the final days of Christmas unwrap before me, I rest. Rest looks different than I realize most days. For me rest is more internal. It’s a turning [...]

The One Thing That Will Change Your Life and 5 Ways to Make It Happen

[...] is not a luxurious thought, it is the one thing that will radically change your life. P.S. Blog subscribers, I have a gift for you. Beginning January 15th, I will be giving away a quarterly $25 gift [...]

The 5 Crucial Things A Parent Can Do In The Life Of Their Child

[...] . If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also [...]

A Letter To My Daughter-In-Law – 10 Promises I Make To You

[...] If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also [...]

I’m Leaving the Good Mommy Club

[...] . If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also [...]

Why We Need To Loosen Our Grip On Life

[...] posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – [...]

What the Bible Says About 50 Shades Of Grey

[...] posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – [...]

How To Help Our Kids When They Just Want Freedom

[...] posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – [...]

Are We Being Judgmental? – 50 Shades of Grey

[...] posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download that accompanies Seeking Christmas – [...]

Does God Really Care If I Watch 50 Shades of Grey?

[...] , consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

50 Shades and Sex Trafficking

[...] , consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

The Parenting Choice You’ll Never Regret

[...] , consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

The One Thing That Will Change Your Life and 5 Ways to Make It Happen

[...] , consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. Blog subscribers are entered in a quarterly drawing to win a $25 Stitch Fix gift card and will also receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

When It’s Time to Break Tradition- Why the Christmas Wish List Needs to Go Away

[...] the gifts are quiet, subtle, unnoticeable…..unless you are hunting for them. The Christmas season is here. In America it can’t be missed. On one hand this leaves me grateful. On the [...]

15 Non-Toy Gift Ideas To Give Kids At Christmas

[...] groups this holiday season on moving from stress to simplicity to splendor during the Christmas season. I thought it would be fun to take a little poll to see what stresses everyone out and [...]

10 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Give More And Want Less At Christmas

[...] We would love for our kids to think less of themselves and more of others during the Christmas season (and all year long, really). Our job is to guide and model to them how this is possible. [...]

18 Ways Your Family Can Serve Others At Christmas

[...] all year long, but Christmas provides a unique opportunity to model a giving heart. The Christmas season seems to blow in like a blizzard and bury us with piles of to-do’s. The key for me is to [...]

Orphan Hosting

[...] Viktors The Journey Continues- Meet the Sloans I donate 10% of my royalties from the sale of Seeking Christmas to support orphan ministries such as New Horizons for Children. Seeking Christmas gives [...]

The Hope Christmas In July Can’t Steal

[...] into your inbox. With your subscription, you receive a free ornament download to accompany Seeking Christmas. [...]

How Do You Get Past The Hurt Of Goodbye?

[...] of our experience with New Horizons for Children that I donate 10% of my royalties from Seeking Christmas to this organization. Our family and *M* covet your prayers. [...]

Dear Child, What You Taught Me About Loving Recklessly

[...] from Eastern Europe this summer through New Horizons for Children. 10% of my royalties from Seeking Christmas are donated to NHFC. [...]

A Letter To Husbands From Your Wife (The Real Reason You Need To Put The Screen ...

Note: My post titled A Letter to My Boys (The Real Reason I Say No To Electronics) has been viewed over 1,000,000 times in a short period of time. I r [...]

Black Spotted Roses

Dropping my keys on the kitchen counter, I paused to soak in the gift of silence. My morning carpool duty was complete, and now I could think clearly [...]

Dear Son, Why I Want You To Fail

Dear Son, When you left for school today, I saw the anger in your eyes aimed at me. I saw your frustration. I understand you felt treated unfairly. Y [...]

A Letter To My Daughter-In-Law – 10 Promises I Make To You

Today, I share a letter to my future daughters-in-law, Lord willing. It’s promises I make before I know them. I pray for these girls daily, and I kn [...]

?Key Phrases
Most Popular Posts From the First Half of 2014

[...] I want to say thank you for trusting me with your inbox.  If you haven’t trusted me yet, consider subscribing to receive posts via email here in the bottom right corner.  You will receive a free [...]

Know Your Enemy

[...] : God’s truth abideth still, His kingdom is forever. If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament [...]

Create An Intentional Christmas

[...] a free copy of Seeking Christmas while you are there. If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

Don’t believe the lie that God won’t give us more than we can handle

[...] to be the power you need to face what you can’t face. If you enjoyed today’s post, consider subscribing here to receive posts via email. You will receive a free Christmas ornament download [...]

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