Revamp Your Mind


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Revamp Your Mind' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Revamp Your Mind' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Revamp Your Mind' Channel

To help and build People of the Global Church for World-wide Stimulas

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Revamp Your Mind' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Revamp Your Mind' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Revamp Your Mind' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

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16th November 2014 and Friends in Israel

[...]  In the latest Avenger Movie “Captain America the Winter Solder”  link here [...]


[...] is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. The one that is, is Prince Charles of Wales and the other to come is Prince William, who will take on the title of Wales before # [...]


[...] there can only be one Head with the title the Prince of Wales at a time. currently it is “Prince Charles of Wales” which in English and Hebrew adds up to a value of 666. His title and name Prince [...]

DANIEL 8 V 14 – The Avengers Bus Date

[...] Malaysian International Airlines Flight MH 370 or MIA370 as it turned out to be. AND just as Glenn Tomas was on MH17 Mr Tomas being the top leading man of Knowledge on Ebola and Aids and all the other [...]

16th November 2014 and Friends in Israel

[...] of the Movie coming true) in the downing of MH 17 and the key person on that Flight Tom for Glenn Tomas. If you have any relatives and friends in Syria, Irag, Israel and so on in the middle East, [...]

37 Months to go TODAY

[...] Undefended Maiden” gives Birth. But before that event, The 2300 Mornings and Evenings begins mid November 2014. This chart above shows the alignment of the stars and planets that are spoken about in [...]

And touched not the ground

[...] base to launch from “and touched not the ground.”  Another Scripture being fulfilled. Mid November 2014 v 14 – 2300 evenings and mornings begin !!!! 2300 before Armageddon. Currently [...]

DANIEL 8 V 14 – The Avengers Bus Date

[...] is the date likely to commence 2300 days.  It maybe earlier I do not know but i am expecting Mid November 2014, when NATO gets serious to destroy ISIS in Syria and Iran / Iraq. I worked it out to be [...]


[...] Second Beast & False prophet Rothschild’s do.  To view that blog click here . Daniel Chapter 8 v 10 And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and [...]

DANIEL 8 V 14 – The Avengers Bus Date

[...] 23 or 11/23 which is the 23rd of November, 23/11.  It may be possible that the 23/11 is when Daniel chapter eight verse 14 2300 mornings and evenings begin. Below is a picture of that scene in the [...]

16th November 2014 and Friends in Israel

[...] is Interesting, when writing my book London Harlot 666, it occurred to me that Daniel Chapter 8 v 14  which reads in the in the Amplified Bible must surely be starrting soon [...]

Babylon the Great, City of Greater London of Great Britannia and the Bank of Eng...

[...] London, of Great Britannia and the Bank of England Those who have purchase a copy of my Book London Harlot 666 Know exactly whom I am talking about here but the title gives it away anyway. Let me [...]

16th November 2014 and Friends in Israel

[...] and less a lot less worry for yourselves. Blog Post This is Interesting, when writing my book London Harlot 666, it occurred to me that Daniel Chapter 8 v 14  which reads in the in the Amplified [...]

DANIEL 8 V 14 – The Avengers Bus Date

[...] eight verse 14 2300 mornings and evenings begin. Below is a picture of that scene in the Avengers movie with Captain America jumping onto a bus with 1123 or 11/23. Which due to the expectation and [...]

37 Months to go TODAY

37 Months to go TODAY Yes Just 37 months to go Today until Virgo or in Arabic “The Undefended Maiden” gives Birth. But before that event, The 23 [...]


NATO SUMMIT IN THE LAND OF THE FIRST BEAST in Revelation. The NATO summit has started and finishes on Friday Greenwich time. Organisation du Traité [...]

?Key Phrases
16th November 2014 and Friends in Israel

[...]  In the latest Avenger Movie “Captain America the Winter Solder”  link here [...]

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