Rocco’s House


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Rocco’s House' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Rocco’s House' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'Rocco’s House' Channel

A dog (and writing! And betta!) blog.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
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? Content Ratio
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.13.1TextsLinksVideosImages
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Rocco’s House' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

'Rocco’s House' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are a smaller number of articles of intermediate readability.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Rocco’s House has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Happy 3rd Blogoversary Rocco’s House!

Rocco’s House turned 3 years old November 29th. We are so excited to have lasted this long! As a celebration of our success, I once again did some r [...]

Does your dog bark?

Can you see what Leia saw? Except for perhaps the Basenji, all dogs bark. Some don’t bark as much as others. In fact, Rocco himself was a mute for [...]

NaNoWoofMo Officially Starts TODAY!! :D

November 1st marks the second anniversary of our NaNoWoofMo story! A round-robin told on various blogs by dogs (And cats, and pigs and rabbits!) aroun [...]

NaNoWoofMo Chapter Seven

Wow our story is getting exciting! If you have not yet read the rest of the story, you can catch up with this handy table of contents: 1. Rocco’s H [...]

Do “Shedless” Treatments Work?

[...] show. Condition-Shampoo-Condition, with each being worked in for 5 minutes. You are correct, Sandy Pawz was not pleased. The results however, were stunning. Sandy Pawz shed 40 grams of hair during [...]

Can DHA help an adult dog think better?

[...] for my dogs to benefit from DHA? I decided to conduct a test in order to find out. I bought Sandy Pawz a bottle of Pollock Oil, and have been feeding her 2ml of it every day. The bottle says it [...]

Review of Tropiclean Fresh Breath Dental Treats

[...] . Rocco says, “Delicious!” Again not very surprising as he loves any sort of chewie. Sandy Pawz likes them! She’s a bit pickier. What’s that in the background?? Could that be Leia [...]

How long does optimal dog care take?

[...] get lost in the shuffle. Because Rocco is busy prepping for the great Enzymatic Cleaner test, Sandy Pawz is busy conducting the DHA experiment (currently 12 days in. Read all about it in a few more [...]

Introducing Twitch

Everybody, meet Twitch. Twitch is Betta #3 to come to my betta experiment lab. You may have read about Pebbles, who could swim between two fish tanks [...]

Twitch Touches the Target

Twitch has been with me for just 4 weeks now, but he already knows that a pipette means food, and that he can get the pipette by biting the yellow pad [...]

Twitch Swims Into And Out Of A Cup

This is Twitch Performing his second trick, swim into and out of a cup. I chose to do this one after target training because unlike many fish, Twitch [...]

Twitch Spins to the Right

It has been a while since we showed a new trick by Twitch. He had a long break from training a few days after we posted the last trick. He spent time [...]

Twitch Jumps Out of the Water

[...] . Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation purposes) The post Twitch Jumps Out of the Water appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Twitch Performs Multiple Tricks

[...] backwards 22. Eat From Hand 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation purposes) The post Twitch Performs Multiple Tricks appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Introducing Twitch

[...] 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation purposes) There’s enough here I may not finish teaching all of them, but it will make a [...]

Twitch Touches the Target

[...] . Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation purposes) The post Twitch Touches the Target appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Introducing Twitch

[...] switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation [...]

Twitch Touches the Target

[...] switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation [...]

Twitch Swims Into And Out Of A Cup

[...] switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation [...]

Twitch Spins to the Right

[...] switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and out of a cup (transportation [...]

Introducing Twitch

[...] it on a platform. 15. Flip a switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and [...]

Twitch Touches the Target

[...] it on a platform. 15. Flip a switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and [...]

Twitch Swims Into And Out Of A Cup

[...] it on a platform. 15. Flip a switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and [...]

Twitch Spins to the Right

[...] it on a platform. 15. Flip a switch 16. Push a button 17. Swim a maze 18. Swim a tunnel 19. Weave poles 20. Open a box 21. Swim backwards 22. Attack 23. Play Dead 24. Wave a flag 25. Swim into and [...]

Tank 1:1 Days 1-3

[...] a “pet food” blob from a local meat market, along with plain yogurt, vitamins and fish oil. The post Tank 1:1 Days 1-3 appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Tank 1:1 Days 4-6

[...] there be more like it! We were at the park for 33 minutes, and at Starbucks for about 10. The post Tank 1:1 Days 4-6 appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Tank 1:1 days 7-9

[...] in Tank after 30 days. He’s less than 1/3 of the way through and already noticeably calmer. The post Tank 1:1 days 7-9 appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Tank 1:1 Days 10-12

[...] he’ll get there! He’s slowly getting better about dogs too, but that’s another post! The post Tank 1:1 Days 10-12 appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Twitch Touches the Target

Twitch has been with me for just 4 weeks now, but he already knows that a pipette means food, and that he can get the pipette by biting the yellow pad [...]

Twitch Swims Into And Out Of A Cup

This is Twitch Performing his second trick, swim into and out of a cup. I chose to do this one after target training because unlike many fish, Twitch [...]

Twitch Spins to the Right

It has been a while since we showed a new trick by Twitch. He had a long break from training a few days after we posted the last trick. He spent time [...]

Twitch Jumps Out of the Water

I found out that Twitch is being lazy about tricks not because he doesn’t want to do them…but because bloodworms are “blah” and boring now, an [...]

Rocco Cam #1 – Test Drive

[...] Rocco’s perspective as we get it fitted to him and he gets more comfortable wearing it. The post Rocco Cam #1 – Test Drive appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Rocco Cam #2 – Going for a Drive

[...] harness. He is okay with having a camera strapped to him if it means a car ride! Woohoo! The post Rocco Cam #2 – Going for a Drive appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

Rocco Cam #3 – Taking a Walk

[...] we’ll find something fun and exciting for Rocco to do soon. Meanwhile, enjoy this video! The post Rocco Cam #3 – Taking a Walk appeared first on Rocco's House. [...]

?Key Phrases
Happy 3rd Blogoversary Rocco’s House!

Rocco’s House turned 3 years old November 29th. We are so excited to have lasted this long! As a celebration of our success, I once again did some r [...]

Does your dog bark?

Can you see what Leia saw? Except for perhaps the Basenji, all dogs bark. Some don’t bark as much as others. In fact, Rocco himself was a mute for [...]

NaNoWoofMo Officially Starts TODAY!! :D

November 1st marks the second anniversary of our NaNoWoofMo story! A round-robin told on various blogs by dogs (And cats, and pigs and rabbits!) aroun [...]

NaNoWoofMo Chapter Seven

Wow our story is getting exciting! If you have not yet read the rest of the story, you can catch up with this handy table of contents: 1. Rocco’s H [...]

? Locations
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