
Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'SHOULDIT' channel has an outstanding rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'SHOULDIT' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'SHOULDIT' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'SHOULDIT' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'SHOULDIT' contains texts with mostly positive attitude and expressions (e.g. it may include some favorable reviews or words of devotion to the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately SHOULDIT has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

One step at a time: the default Proxy Settings Activity for all!

[...] the explanations/justifications and present what I published on the Market. It’s called Proxy Settings and it does only one simple thing: it calls the hidden activity created by the Android [...]

Did someone ask for a proxy settings aware Browser in Android? Et voilà, here yo...

[...] fruitful collaboration. Since the default browser (for 2.x devices) doesn’t support proxy settings when connected to Wi-Fi, and I couldn’t fix the problem, I started looking for the best [...]

Add a little honey to your life: Androix 3.x proxy support

[...] alsochoose to do so. The platform also provides backup and restore of the user-defined IP and proxy settings. The easy way to explain someone how to to something is to show it, so I just did a lot of [...]

Android Proxy Library (APL): the best fertilizer for a professional Android appl...

[...] the Android Proxy Library (APL) gives the possibility to developers to access the proxy settings from their applications and use them easily. You can download it and read some examples [...]

Let’s be realistic: Android 2.X devices won’t ever get an official Wi-Fi Proxy s...

[...] types (e.g., Wi-Fi) until Honeycomb. So there is no “official” way to get the Wi-Fi proxy for 2.x. [Sparky] Simple and clear, right? Before continuing with the full explanation I [...]

What’s the taste of the ice cream on my sandwich? How Android 4.0 ICS improves (...

[...] forgot you!!), talking about what Android 4.0 ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) changed regarding the Wi-Fi proxy handling. To be honest not so much, just the addition to the default browser (and starting from [...]

Add a little honey to your life: Androix 3.x proxy support

[...] … So developers, stay tuned.. The post Add a little honey to your life: Androix 3.x proxy support appeared first on SHOULDIT. [...]

What’s the taste of the ice cream on my sandwich? How Android 4.0 ICS improves (...

[...] the developers and point them out to this website! They can follow my instructions and add the proxy support in no time! By the way, starting from today I can officially announce that this site hosts [...]

Idiot proofing second try: Proxy Settings App v1.3 for Android is out!

[...] another BIG FAT DISCLAIMER. Inserted a notification into the status bar for devices with API version < 11 (Android 1.x and 2.x), so all the users will be aware when the global proxy is active [...]

Android Proxy Library (APL): the best fertilizer for a professional Android appl...

[...] way for both users and developers to specify the proxy settings into Android devices with API version < 11 (1.x and 2.x), so I’ll need to work again on APL before it can be considered a [...]

Let’s be realistic: Android 2.X devices won’t ever get an official Wi-Fi Proxy s...

[...]  (but still not perfect). As we already know, starting from Android 3.1 (aka API version 12), something has changed and a better infrastructure for Wi-Fi proxy has been [...]

Add a little honey to your life: Androix 3.x proxy support

[...] ” option from the “Configuring AP” dialog Your device will show the configuration settings for the selected AP Select “Manual” option from the Proxy settings drop-down [...]

What’s the taste of the ice cream on my sandwich? How Android 4.0 ICS improves (...

[...] ” option from the “Configuring AP” dialog Your device will show the configuration settings for the selected AP Check the “Show advanced options” option Select “ [...]

May the Force be with your Android: use HttpURLConnection Devs!

[...] … Today I need to update some comments I made regarding how to use the system proxy settings, for the following reason: a couple of months ago (ok, maybe I’m not The [...]

One step at a time: the default Proxy Settings Activity for all!

[...] , because we still need the developers to adapt their applications to read and use the system proxy settings, but this is another problem. So, it is with big pride that today I announce the release [...]

One step at a time: the default Proxy Settings Activity for all!

[...] Settings and it does only one simple thing: it calls the hidden activity created by the Android developers. Stop! End! Finish! Multa! Fine! Geldstrafe! So please don’t expect from it something [...]

What’s the taste of the ice cream on my sandwich? How Android 4.0 ICS improves (...

[...] did for Honeycomb devices, I’ll show with a lot of screenshots, how to configure the Wi-Fi Proxy Settings in a Android 4.0 devices, so you can easily understand how to do it. Only a small change [...]

?Key Phrases
One step at a time: the default Proxy Settings Activity for all!

[...] the explanations/justifications and present what I published on the Market. It’s called Proxy Settings and it does only one simple thing: it calls the hidden activity created by the Android [...]

Did someone ask for a proxy settings aware Browser in Android? Et voilà, here yo...

[...] fruitful collaboration. Since the default browser (for 2.x devices) doesn’t support proxy settings when connected to Wi-Fi, and I couldn’t fix the problem, I started looking for the best [...]

Add a little honey to your life: Androix 3.x proxy support

[...] alsochoose to do so. The platform also provides backup and restore of the user-defined IP and proxy settings. The easy way to explain someone how to to something is to show it, so I just did a lot of [...]

Android Proxy Library (APL): the best fertilizer for a professional Android appl...

[...] the Android Proxy Library (APL) gives the possibility to developers to access the proxy settings from their applications and use them easily. You can download it and read some examples [...]

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