STANAG 6001 - Military English exams and tests
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Lingua franca in NATO The need for “the same language” spoken within NATO was identified immediately after creation of this international...
Memorandum / Memo I have already discussed military reports on many occasions here. Some examples have been shown to you as well. So today, I decided...
Important announcements I have tho pieces of news to share with you: First, I have finally sold my game “The patrol”, so from now on it...
Enemy – military vocabulary The idea for this article popped up when I was investigating the topic of military euphemisms. When I took into some...
Today, some more thoughts about different approaches to military language courses and exams. Since STANAG6001 does not enforce any criteria, nor standards...
What is STANAG 6001 exam Since recently I have received many inquires from different countries about exam format and any samples available, I decided...
Briefings in the military Since the ability to present your own ideas is one of the essential skills you should master in the military, I propose some...
Today, I present a summary of radio correspondence rules. This topic popped up while I was writing instruction for a tactical game “The Patrol....
MEDEVAC request – 9-liner picture source: No matter what formation you are from, the most desired...
Below, you’ll find a level 2 (SLP 2222) reading comprehension test. It’s a courtesy of CKEJO MON. The answer key is given at the end of the...
English resources for the military I believe I have a great news for all military English fans. I have been developing the idea of a tactical board game...
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[...] in London in January 1951. Through the transformation process it achieved AAP-6 – NATO glossary of terms and definitions its current state, where the responsibility for the co-ordination of [...]
[...] . It is clear that the law, which contributed to more realistic evaluation of the current language proficiency, was turned down for financial reasons. Since 2008, the Polish law states that the [...]
[...] teaching, the military in each country have developed their own way of reaching the given language proficiency. All countries have developed centralized language education centres which provide the [...]
[...] candidate platoons describing their strong and weak points. Think of skills, experience, language proficiency. Recommend one platoon and justify your choice. A platoon, C Coy A platoon, B Coy Briefing [...]
[...] as well. In Poland, teaching foreign languages was strictly regulated by Minister’s of National Defence Decision #501/MON, dated 29th of December, 2010. According to this document only several [...]
[...] obtained certificates reflect the real proficiency, there was an attempt of the Minister of National Defence in Poland to oblige soldiers to confirm their level of proficiency at least once a five [...]
[...] to little interest of the Ministry of National Defence. One may draw a conclusion that the Polish Armed Forces are not interested in Polish soldiers achieving even the basic communication skills in [...]
[...] inter-operability. Strange as it may sound, lack of subsequent validation helps the Polish Armed Forces to meet NATO language requirement coded as G0356 and since 2008 – E0356. STANAG [...]
[...] to translate English publications. The Polish version of AAP-6 was introduced to the Polish Armed Forces to minimize the possibility of individual, and very often wrong translations of the English [...]
[...] are supposed to prepare along the game; some pages with theory and examples concerning radio communication (in development); recordings with background noise, sounds and examples of radio [...]
[...] ;The Patrol.” Since the game is almost ready, you can expect it to be available soon. Radio communication – basic rules While exchanging the messages over the radio you should follow some [...]
[...] Department of Defense (DoD) who owns the Language Center in Monterey seems to care about cultural awareness more than the Polish Armed Forces. Culture-focused language education is consistent with [...]
[...] target country politics, culture and other country topics. It is clear that DoD focuses on cultural awareness more than the linguistic competence alone. Judging by the names of proficiency levels, one [...]
[...] ) … designed to meet three objectives: improve security, bring the control of the Afghan government to rural areas, and help reconstruction in priority provinces. In 2002 for both the [...]
[...] ; and “bad” in that conflict and who was fighting for freedom. Since the Afghan government was the official body ruling the country, they called freedom fighters by the name of & [...]
Today, some more thoughts about different approaches to military language courses and exams. Since STANAG6001 does not enforce any criteria, nor stan [...]
[...] level without taking the exam. Chu, David S.C. Management of DoD Language and Regional Proficiency Capabilities. Instruction 5160.70. Washington: Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and [...]
[...] ;>. Chu, David S.C. Management of DoD Language and Regional Proficiency Capabilities. Instruction 5160.70. Washington: Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and [...]
[...] for the co-ordination of standardization activities within NATO was delegated to the NATO Standardization Agency (NSA), with its charter approved in August 20011. Even with the concept of [...]
[...] in London in January 1951. Through the transformation process it achieved AAP-6 – NATO glossary of terms and definitions its current state, where the responsibility for the co-ordination of [...]
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