SURE! – Nordic Built For Sustainable Retrofitting
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In October of 2016, a focus group was gathered to evaluate some of the energy initiatives in the SURE! project – specifically the energy dome, the energy...
On Thursday October 6th, the SURE project hosted an event in the Danish housing association Beringsgaard to thank the tenants for participating in the...
The company IC-Meter, who is a partner in the SURE! project, has introduced a free control-service called ‘Control by Cloud’, where owners of IC-Meters...
In April, the international UserTEC Conference took place in Horsens, Denmark. The conference focused on minimizing the performance gap by considering...
On Wednesday April 20th, the visualisation concept known as the Energy Dome was officially launched in the SURE! project. The event took place at Graflund...
This week, the interactive visualisation part of the SURE! project was installed in the Swedish housing association Graflund in Husby, Stockholm, and...
During April, the residents in Husby, Sweden and the Danish housing association Beringsgaard in Horsens will discover ’something new’ in their back yard...
Green investment programmes often fail to reach the forecasted reduction goals, and one of the critical reasons is related to social behaviour. The SURE...
Under the headline ”Saving requirements are unsuccessful”, an article in the Danish newspaper ’Ingeniøren’ reveals how the energy consumption in low energy...
The major Danish housing association, KAB, sees great potential in Nordic Built’s holistic approach to energy optimization, where the well-being of residents...
In a recent press release, the Danish Ministry for Immigration, Integration and Housing announced that the government will allocate millions for energy...
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[...] project, a number of Scandinavian partners have set out to find a solution that can reduce energy consumption and optimize the district heating supply. Apartment complexes and multi-storey buildings [...]
[...] and an open ICT infrastructure. Today, buildings account for 40% of the total primary energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. This in itself is cause for concern, but [...]
[...] behavioral part of it. The aim is to provide the tenants with better understanding of their energy consumption and waste of heat in order to improve both the results of the project, the indoor climate [...]
[...] a major part of that shift, as buildings account for around 40 per cent of Europe’s energy consumption. Ecofective’s solution can save between 15 and 25 per cent of the heating energy in [...]
[...] On October 1st, the first information meeting for potential Danish housing associations to participate in the SURE! project took place at Vitus Bering Innovation Park in Horsens, [...]
[...] The two Danish housing associations, Andelsboligforeningen Odinsgaard and Bolig Horsens, have accepted to join the SURE! [...]
[...] off meeting served as an opportunity to share ideas, experience and network with the other Nordic Built funded project teams – and to seek partners and collaborators for current and future projects. [...]
[...] the Danish magazine ‘Fjernvarmen’ (District Heating) featured and article about SURE! – Nordic Built for Sustainable Retrofitting. The article focuses on the scope of the project as well as [...]
[...] on showcasing solutions to help minimize the impact of buildings on the environment. SURE! – Nordic Built for Sustainable retrofitting was represented by partners IC-Meter and Ecofective, who shared [...]
[...] knot, preventing pivotal retrofitting. A new inter-Nordic project called ‘SURE! – Nordic Built for Sustainable Retrofitting’ addresses these issues by focusing on optimizing energy [...]
[...] Multi-storey buildings are among the biggest energy culprits in Europe. However, with a new project, a number of [...]
[...] solution for saving energy while simultaneously identifying sources of energy leaks in multi-storey buildings that need retrofitting. The project combines three components into one platform: [...]
[...] retrofitting. A new inter-Nordic project called ‘SURE! – Nordic Built for Sustainable Retrofitting’ addresses these issues by focusing on optimizing energy usage and strengthening [...]
[...] Henrik Blyt from VIA University College, Project Manager in SURE – Nordic Built for Sustainable Retrofitting. Residents should be motivated to save energy Together with the technological analyses, [...]
[...] ‘Fjernvarmen’ (District Heating) featured and article about SURE! – Nordic Built for Sustainable Retrofitting. The article focuses on the scope of the project as well as the technologies and the [...]
[...] involvement in the project was profound. Representatives from SURE! – Nordic Built for Sustainable Retrofitting were eager to share information about the project in order to leave the potential [...]
[...] components together that presents completely new opportunities within facility management, user involvement and visualisation, and open access for third party service providers – all with the [...]
[...] at Insero Business Services, who is also a partner in the project. Consequently, user involvement is an important aspect of the SURE-project, and the goal is to create a better [...]
[...] . The article focuses on the scope of the project as well as the technologies and the user involvement. You can read the article using the link below. Note that article is only available in [...]
[...] of buildings. Even more so, their curiosity towards the technologies and the level of user involvement in the project was profound. Representatives from SURE! – Nordic Built for Sustainable [...]
[...] project combines three components into one platform: technologies for optimizing heating and indoor comfort in existing buildings, an interactive visualisation system that enables an understanding of [...]
[...] . The three technologies include an IT system for diagnosing and optimizing heating and indoor comfort, a visualisation tool that is able to show the energy loss in the building, and an open IT [...]
[...] in a building or an area about to be retrofitted. This will lead to a diagnosis in terms of energy efficiency, which can be used for identifying the source of energy leaks, the amount of savings [...]
[...] presented by Sweden’s Minister for IT and Energy, Anna-Karin Hatt. New materials and energy efficiency Uppsala-based Disruptive Materials won and Cyclicor from Lund was the runner-up. Both [...]
[...] in the long run. Therefore, the whole community is obligated to contribute to more energy efficiency. The local heating plant, Horsens Varmeværk, is also part of the local collaboration, [...]
[...] The two Danish housing associations, Andelsboligforeningen Odinsgaard and Bolig Horsens, have accepted to join the SURE! [...]
[...] On October 1st, the first information meeting for potential Danish housing associations to participate in the SURE! project took place at Vitus Bering Innovation Park in [...]
[...] the building’s total energy consumption, says Munna Hoffmann-Jørgensen, Sociologist at Insero Business Services, who is also a partner in the project. Consequently, user involvement is an important [...]
[...] ! pilot project in Denmark. Representatives from Ecofective, IC-Meter, Insero Energy, Insero Business Services and VIA University College were present at the information meeting. Next month, an [...]
[...] ’s exhibition stand at the venue. During Thursday, October 30th, partners VIA UC and Insero Business Services also attended the event. The project representatives talked to several stakeholders [...]
[...] project, a number of Scandinavian partners have set out to find a solution that can reduce energy consumption and optimize the district heating supply. Apartment complexes and multi-storey buildings [...]
[...] and an open ICT infrastructure. Today, buildings account for 40% of the total primary energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. This in itself is cause for concern, but [...]
[...] behavioral part of it. The aim is to provide the tenants with better understanding of their energy consumption and waste of heat in order to improve both the results of the project, the indoor climate [...]
[...] a major part of that shift, as buildings account for around 40 per cent of Europe’s energy consumption. Ecofective’s solution can save between 15 and 25 per cent of the heating energy in [...]
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