Sajid Akhtar
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If you ever need to disable the popup for cut-copy-paste when you long tap a text from an edit text you can do this by using the code below:
The Android emulator has support for receiving text messages. You can send a SMS to an emulator by using the command line. So the first step is: 1. Be...
In this tutorial I will present you how to use the SearchView using FTS3. If your data is stored in a SQLite database on the device, performing a full...
As you well know the new IDE for Android is Android Studio and it is using the power of Intellij IDEA IDE which is great. If you work with TestFlight...
When we are inside an Activity, and we need the application context we can use getApplicationContext () method. But what if we are not inside an...
When we are inside an Activity, and we need the application context we can use getApplicationContext () method. But what if we are not inside an Activity...
Among other nice things that Android has, we can also load custom fonts. To do that we need to get a font file with the desired font. There are some...
Among other nice things that Android has, we can also load custom fonts. To do that we need to get a font file with the desired font. There are some...
Hi, recently I ran into a problem with footer view on an ExpandableListView. I wanted to add a footer view only when I would have needed it. I tried many...
Hi, recently I ran into a problem with footer view on an ExpandableListView. I wanted to add a footer view only when I would have needed it. I tried many...
We decided to make a separate post for this enhanced TCP Connection. You will still be able to see the old TCP Connection Tutorial so I will...
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