Sak Pase Diplomacy
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After 2 years of running Sak Pase Diplomacy, I am moving on to my next diplomatic assignment: Islamabad, Pakistan. I may or may not create another blog...
Living in Haiti as an expatriate, it’s easy to get yourself into a routine. Hundreds upon hundreds of foreigners from all over the world, and everyone...
A while ago, I posted about an apartment building under construction across from my house. The post emphasized the quickness with which something can...
Contrary to most opinions on Haiti, in particular Port-au-Prince, it is not a land of contrasts. Instead, Haiti’s capital is a mélange (mixture...
Do you know where Haitian women go to get fancy lingerie? Usually street vendors, though sometimes it’s brought back in suitcases after trips to...
Haiti, if anything, is but two things: featured regularly in the news as a country in dire need, and a 90 minute flight from Miami. The combination results...
The ones on the ladder earn the most, though the foreman never quite specified an amount. In all, I counted about 60 workers, all of whom began working...
I visited the Dominican Republic a couple weekends ago, something I had resisted for a long time, given the stories of racism that seep across the border...
My favorite scene in Spike Lee’s Malcolm X is when, while in prison, he asks the priest “what color was Jesus?” Denzel/Malcolm X goes...
This weekend has been about food for me. Friday night I went to the Gout et Saveurs Lakay and indulged in Haiti’s traditional food fares made...
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