Salah Jibril's Blog
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Hello there, you must wondering what is going on with Weliyo Studio's company and why is it back to business? why at the first place disappear for? As...
The Somali Bantu Culture Niiko that has been played and enjoyed the time of being at the moment on March 2010 in Seattle, WA. Recorded by Salah Jibril...
The Somali Bantu Culture is the Daaf that has been played in Seattle, WA on June, 2010 recorded by Salah Jibril and produced by Salah Jibril. Enjoy the...
This is a Somali Bantu Culture Dancing which I called it SBCDN - meaning- Somali Bantu Culture Dancing Niiko and it took place in Seattle, WA on March...
The wedding of Ayud and Famo on April 14th 2013 in Boston, MA by Salah Jibril. The date that I went this wedding is a special day that I can always...
The wedding of Ayud and Famo on April 14th 2013 in Boston, MA by Salah Jibril. The date that I went this wedding is a special day that I can always...
The wedding of Abdika M.p's playlist by the whole video at 2010 in Seattle, WA by Salah Jibril.
Yeah, life is just a life. When I finally realized that I have lost everything and won't going to get the second for sure about having happiness in my...
Enjoy watching the wedding of Ayud & Famo in Boston, MA. Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Stay in touch with...
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 More parts are on the way so stay in touch with us. Thank You.
Hello everyone who is reading this massage; I'm sorry to tell you this even though I don't want to tell you but still, I have to tell you so you can keep...
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