Scott J Brook PA
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Controversial Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis has made headlines after she was incarcerated (and later released) for refusing to follow a court order requiring...
Quite a title, huh? Yes, it is possible. Don’t worry. I wont advise you here about what is impossible. Your first thought might be along the lines of...
The media has recently focused on an international custody dispute involving actress Kelly Rutherford and her former husband Daniel Giersch after Rutherford...
Undoubtedly one of the first things we are told in consultations with potential clients who are seeking a dissolution of marriage is whether the potential...
Many by now have heard of the landmark United States Supreme Court ruling last month in Obergefell v. Hodges, making same-sex marriage a Constitutional...
The New York Times has recently run a series of op-ed pieces dealing with end of life discussions that many of the authors navigate through their personal...
A recently-filed lawsuit in Manhattan may call to mind the phrase “only in New York!” According to a New York Post article by Julia Marsh, Theodora Corsell...
A recent study done by Demographic Intelligence suggests that marriage rates are lower than they have been in the past century. Specifically, 6.74 marriages...
Nick Loeb made news recently after writing an op-ed opinion piece in the New York Times describing how Loeb filed suit in a California Court in 2014 seeking...
Recent headlines were made in Charleston, South Carolina when Mr. Walter L. Scott’s automobile was stopped by a police officer for a traffic infraction...
Many will recall the fervor in the press and social media in 2014 when former Los Angeles Clippers owner and real estate mogul Donald Sterling was forcefully...
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[...] it takes to help others in need. Rotary and Sawgrass Middle School are planting gardens in Coral Springs to support the environment and build a better future. We are blessed to live in Coral Springs [...]
[...] Sample Road and Royal Palm Boulevard. For more information, please call 954-752-0126. The Coral Springs Festival of the Arts also returns to Coral Springs for the sixth year and I hope see you all [...]
[...] to beginning your first new chapter. SCOTT J. BROOK, P.A. 1401 N. University Drive Suite 500 Coral Springs, FL 33071 tel: 954-757-5551 fax: 954-757-1770 lifestyleadvice [...]
[...] well. Our Community’s heart reaches out to Paul and his family after being the first Coral Springs police officer to be shot in the line of duty. We hope you will achieve a speedy and smooth [...]
[...] . I look forward to working with you. Mayor Scott J. Brook City of Coral Springs 9551 W. Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065 (954)344-5906 p [...]
[...] Appreciation, Your Friendly Mayor Mayor Scott J. Brook City of Coral Springs 9551 W. Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065 [...]
[...] to do so and BE PREPARED. Sincerely, Mayor Scott J. Brook City of Coral Springs 9551 W. Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065 (954)344-5906 p (954)344-1043 f (954)494-9872 c [...]
[...] is anything I can help you with. Mayor Scott J. Brook City of Coral Springs 9551 W. Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065 (954)344-5906 p (954)344-1043 f (954)494-9872 c [...]
[...] already underway, the City held a groundbreaking ceremony for its expansion of the Public Safety Building, adaptive reuse of existing Fire Station 80 and construction of the new Fire Station 80 [...]
[...] Hall – 9551 W. Sample Road or at my law firm – Scott J. Brook, P.A., 1401 N. University Drive, Suite 500 (on the corner of Shadowwood and University). Are you exercising regularly? Do [...]
[...] . The event starts at 10 a.m. and goes until 5 p.m. on March 20 and 21 at The Walk, 2900 University Drive. For more information, visit or call 954-340-5992. If you’d like to discuss [...]
[...] this financing without having to raise the debt service tax rate. Thanks to the City’s AAA bond rating, these dollars were borrowed at the lowest possible interest rate available to local [...]
[...] .” Thus, a party need not remarry or live with someone to potentially affect their alimony award if they have an appropriate “Supportive relationship.” The child support [...]
We completed our second public hearing on the budget and I am very proud. We have kept our millage rate at under $4.00 and we remain one of the lowest [...]
[...] greater than 7 years and less than 17. There is now a two-year time limit on “bridge-the-gap alimony” which is designed to help someone to make the transition from married to being [...]
[...] Scott J. Brook, Esquire My ex-wife is furious with me, ever since I met the woman (much younger than my ex-wife), who is now [...]
[...] parties are cooperative, the time and money spent is much less than otherwise. Divorce Attorney Boca Raton What can you do to reduce your costs? The easiest solution is to settle early. The [...]
[...] it takes to help others in need. Rotary and Sawgrass Middle School are planting gardens in Coral Springs to support the environment and build a better future. We are blessed to live in Coral Springs [...]
[...] Sample Road and Royal Palm Boulevard. For more information, please call 954-752-0126. The Coral Springs Festival of the Arts also returns to Coral Springs for the sixth year and I hope see you all [...]
[...] to beginning your first new chapter. SCOTT J. BROOK, P.A. 1401 N. University Drive Suite 500 Coral Springs, FL 33071 tel: 954-757-5551 fax: 954-757-1770 lifestyleadvice [...]
[...] well. Our Community’s heart reaches out to Paul and his family after being the first Coral Springs police officer to be shot in the line of duty. We hope you will achieve a speedy and smooth [...]
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