Scott Whittle
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In the posted entitled The Lost Golden Thread of Genesis 1 I said that I would discuss the number 10 on a separate post, this is that post. Often when...
So what do you think is the message of Genesis 1? I asked this question on Facebook recently. I received the answers that I thought that I would hear...
Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe RSS Feed Support the show by leaving an honest review on iTunes Like the Facebook Page Blog Post: The Lost Golden Thread...
Today I was updated and doing some back-end work on the site and I realized that I had not posted anything this month. So I want to let you know what...
Are you ready to purchase your first Bible or your next Bible? Before you do make sure that you listen to this podcast. In the inaugural episode of the...
This week we covered a lot of ground about the dispensations. We used the text as a starting point and developed the teaching to explain the dispensations...
There was a lot of information given during the TFS week 1 Class. Below is a review for all of the students that I posted on my Facebook account. The...
There are a few things that I have been developing over here for you. I just want to keep you in the loop. Website Development I am still working on...
Umberto Cassuto is considered by many people to be the greatest Bible Scholar of the Twentieth Century and yet you may have never heard of him. How is...
On November 11, 2013 I added a visual explanation on Facebook of something that I had said at the previous Wednesday night during church service. The...
Meaning: firmness, fidelity, steadfastness, steadiness Strong’s #H530 – emunah TWOT – 116e – emuna The ASV and RSV both have...
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