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The girls and I are going to be participating in Pittsburgh Marathon 2013 events. The kids are going to be in the Kids Marathon and I’ll be...
I was asked what the “theme” for my wedding was going to be. The only term I could think of was “classy geek”. I&rsquo...
Thank you, Gov. Gary Johnson. You gave 1% of us a voice. After commenting on facebook or aloud to a friend that I believe the US...
Here are some fun ones for you all to check out this week: Makeup. From Caked Vintage, they are hosting a Madison Street Beauty giveaway. You...
Random Act of Kindness #1. As Noelle says “man, gas prices are getting expensive, Mom.” I’m pretty sure she heard this in...
As some of my wedding party knows, I follow Etsy Giveaways constantly…. and there are some royal gems to check out. No, it’s not all for...
I get frustrated. There, I said it. I’m a mom. I try to be Wonder Woman, but I’m not always. I’m also human. And this month I&rsquo...
My oldest daughter and I joke that we don’t like to have parties, we like to have events. Of course, Noelle’s 9th birthday was one of...
One of those no-no topics is always politics. And here I find myself writing a political rant. Fine Print: I am registered as a Democrat...
Now that I’m engaged to the most amazing man ever…. (All brides say that, I know. But each of us has our own definition of amazing...
Last night I decided to do one of my “Reminder” list items on my phone. It was one of those things I never get around to and just sits there...
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