Shift Washington


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Shift Washington' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Shift Washington' Channel

Shifting the debate in Olympia

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Shift Washington' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are some medium length articles making up around one third of all textual items.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'Shift Washington' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains some materials of a basic readability level.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up more than one third of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Shift Washington has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Inslee’s fuel mandate is one promise he means to keep

[...] and his staff denied the existence of any plan to bypass the Legislature and implement a fuel mandate by executive order. At a January 2014 forum hosted by the Associated Press, Inslee claimed not [...]

5 times Inslee revealed his executive order intentions

[...] Jay Inslee denied time and time again that he had a fuel mandate scheme—Shift’s public records investigation proved he wasn’t exactly being truthful. And, [...]

Public comments on Inslee’s fuel mandate scheme opens today

[...] The Department of Ecology’s fuel mandate comment period begins today. Legislators and the public have from February 4th-28th to submit [...]

Corruption embroils OR’s fuel mandate as Jay Inslee prepares for executive order...

[...] Jay Inslee’s only chance to fulfill the fuel mandate promise he made to fellow extreme “green” Democrats in 2013 is to issue an executive order. He [...]

WEA mounts opposition to $40 million for schools

[...] to implement a small change to the teacher-evaluation system. The change would have allowed Washington State to qualify for the federal waiver system to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. [...]

Democrats suggest WA follow China’s lead

[...] a dramatic increase in hydroelectric power. Democrats’ suggestion that Washington State should follow China’s lead is not only ignorant, it’s just plan insulting. [...]

Which WA business would be the first victim of Inslee’s cap-and-tax scheme?

[...] services to farmers’ crops, work to suppliers and tens of thousands of Latino employees in Washington state, is on the list. Alcoa, maker of aluminum that will be used in electric car batteries, the [...]

Democrats’ rocky 30-year relationship with education funding

[...] campaigns (like Jay Inslee’s). In the process, they also continue to damage education in Washington State. During the 2014 legislative cycle, Democrats in the state Senate delivered a blow to [...]

Jay Inslee needs rhetoric reality checks, here’s three

[...] Jay Inslee is at it again, trying to deny the truth by championing a twisted sense of reality and [...]

Pay hikes for state employees and elected officials?

[...] Jay Inslee and his fellow Democrats justify spending a whopping $867 million (the result of Inslee’s [...]

Inslee passes on chance to defend cap-and-tax before Legislature

[...] Jay Inslee did not show up to testify before the House Environment Committee’s hearing on his cap-and-tax [...]

Inslee insults Snohomish lawmakers, PR flak tries and fails to clean up mess

[...] Last week, Jay Inslee traveled to Snohomish County in an attempt to drum up support for his transportation proposal, [...]

Democrats throw tantrum, call transportation package a “poison pill”

[...] Senate is controlled by Republicans and the state House by Democrats, passing a needed transportation package will require a bi-partisan effort. That means compromise, which means no side will walk [...]

WSDOT Secretary not paying attention to transportation

[...] , Peterson glosses over the failure of the Inslee administration to negotiate a transportation package over the last two years, suggesting she thinks “people are trying to find out where that [...]

State Senate transportation package includes safeguard against fuel mandate

[...] The state Senate introduced an initial bi-partisan transportation package yesterday. Our state needs a transportation package to fund key projects and relief [...]

Inslee insults Snohomish lawmakers, PR flak tries and fails to clean up mess

[...] state representatives. Inslee claimed that there had not been much public support for his transportation package voiced by those representing Snohomish County. He said, “Now let me explain the [...]

GOP: Obama’s budget is “laughable”

Republicans are not impressed with President Obama’s fiscal 2016 budget proposal and they are pulling out all the rhetorical jabs to make their poin [...]

Obama moves even further left

President Obama is expected to veer even further to the left when he delivers his budget on Monday. Obama’s already had to drop a plan to tax colleg [...]

Obama’s budget would make Solyndra tax credit permanent

President Obama’s fiscal year 2016 budget would make the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) permanent—the same tax benefit used by Solyndra to build sola [...]

5 dumb tax proposals in Obama’s budget

President Obama’s fiscal 2016 budget would “raise government revenues as a share of gross domestic product steadily over the next decade, and make [...]

Kitzhaber resigns – same groups behind scandal active in Inslee admin, too

[...] by funding third-party organizations which then hire influential Democrats to draft environmental policies for Democrat governors like Kitzhaber and Inslee. For example, Steyer has given, through [...]

Scandal tainted billionaire Steyer still fighting job creation

[...] be made. By far the most absurd aspect of the email is the claim that extreme environmental policies—like those Steyer pushes—would create “hundreds of thousands of good jobs.” [...]

Emails show secret enviro donors tangled in corrupt OR web, and at work in WA

[...] Manning received private funding to assist the Inslee administration and influence its environmental policies. We further revealed emails which proved outside environmental groups, including the [...]

Corruption embroils OR’s fuel mandate as Jay Inslee prepares for executive order...

[...] is probable that Steyer funded Hayes’ “fellowship” as she advised Kitzhaber on… environmental policies in Oregon, including the fuel mandate. Under Oregon law, public officials are [...]

Emails show secret enviro donors tangled in corrupt OR web, and at work in WA

[...] Washington program, denied knowledge that a contract existed. It is noteworthy that Inslee administration now uses both GPI and GDP as measurements of the state’s health. Kitzhaber, Hayes and [...]

Kitzhaber resigns – same groups behind scandal active in Inslee admin, too

[...] that called for imposing a fuel mandate in Washington. That $150,000 contract, which the Inslee administration signed off on, was funded not by the government but by outside environmental groups, [...]

WSDOT Secretary not paying attention to transportation

[...] for more reforms.” Even more distressing, Peterson glosses over the failure of the Inslee administration to negotiate a transportation package over the last two years, suggesting she [...]

?Key Phrases
Inslee’s fuel mandate is one promise he means to keep

[...] and his staff denied the existence of any plan to bypass the Legislature and implement a fuel mandate by executive order. At a January 2014 forum hosted by the Associated Press, Inslee claimed not [...]

5 times Inslee revealed his executive order intentions

[...] Jay Inslee denied time and time again that he had a fuel mandate scheme—Shift’s public records investigation proved he wasn’t exactly being truthful. And, [...]

Public comments on Inslee’s fuel mandate scheme opens today

[...] The Department of Ecology’s fuel mandate comment period begins today. Legislators and the public have from February 4th-28th to submit [...]

Corruption embroils OR’s fuel mandate as Jay Inslee prepares for executive order...

[...] Jay Inslee’s only chance to fulfill the fuel mandate promise he made to fellow extreme “green” Democrats in 2013 is to issue an executive order. He [...]

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