Slanted Flying
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In 2018, the Festival of Recorded Movement, F-O-R-M, held its annual festival and presented the short films submitted by the various commissioned artists...
Counter-Point Neutralizing in T’ai Chi Sparring by David X. Swenson & David Longsdorf Abstract T’ai chi sparring often relies on the use of pushes...
As adults age into their older years, their bones become less dense, this is even more true for females over 50 years of age. This can lead to problems...
On January 22, 2022, one of the most influential Zen Buddhist monks, Thich Nhat Hanh passed away. I recently listened to an interview he did with NPR...
Many people suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It is estimated that between 836 thousand and 2.5 million are affected by it in the United States alone...
Alan Ludmer at the World Tai Chi Day in 2001 As a former educator and a lifelong student and teacher, I have often reflected upon what makes successful...
Source: San Francisco Recreation & Parks More and more cities across North America are gradually adding outdoor public spaces dedicated for practicing...
In Taijiquan (太極拳) the concept of harmonizing yin (阴) and yang (阳) is commonly given in dualistic statements like having neither excess nor deficiency...
The benefits of Tai Chi can be obtained whether you are young and fit, old and frail, or anywhere in-between. The wonderful part about learning Tai Chi...
This is a beautifully filmed and choreographed video of Tai Chi being performed underwater. The movements of the performers in the video reflect the...
A common joke about t’ai chi is about a practitioner who is confronted by a bully to fight. The practitioner agrees to go outside and fight, but tells...
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