Slipwing's War Room


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Slipwing's War Room' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. The channel mostly uses short articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-crafted news inventory on the channel.

About 'Slipwing's War Room' Channel

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room."

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Slipwing's War Room' has mostly short articles at the moment, however, they might have a great potential to develop their materials and quality in future.



? Readability Level

'Slipwing's War Room' provides texts of a basic readability level which can be quite comfortable for a wide audience to read and understand.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Slipwing's War Room' contains more negatively biased articles than positive or neutral ones (e.g. it may include some critical or negatively biased opinions on the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Slipwing's War Room has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Belial and Deathwing Command Squad Built

[...] The last two parts of my 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge are built and ready for priming, Belial and a Deathwing Command Squad. I [...]

February Project

[...] Here are my projects for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge. I am going to build the Ravenwing kits as a unit of six Black Knights. I [...]

February Projects built

[...] I got my 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge projects built for the month. First, a unit of Six Ravenwing Black Knights. [...]

March Projects - More Nurgle Daemons

[...] Here are my projects for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge, reineforcements for my Nurgle Daemon army. I am really excited about the [...]

Nurgle Daemon Progress

[...] I have built my 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge projects. With any luck, I can get them painted before the end of the month. [...]

Herald of Nurgle Complete

[...] my new Herald of Nurgle. That completes my March projects for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge. [...]

April Painting Projects

[...] For my 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge projects for April, I am going to paint projects from two different armies. The first project [...]

Blightlord Raptors Complete!

[...] I have finished painting this first of my 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge projects for this month, a unit of Blightlord Raptors. Here is a close-up of the Champion. [...]

Dark Angel Tactical Squad Progress

[...] I have made good progress on my first Dark Angel squad. I like how they are coming along so far. Here is my painting [...]

WIP Librarians

[...] I have made good progress on my Dark Angel Librarian this past week. This is the first Space Marine Librarian I have [...]

Bloodletters done, Typhus almost done, and the next project

[...] . I am only just now getting around to posting pictures. I did not finish Typhus, but I made good progress. I really only have a few details to finish and I should be done. I am going to keep working [...]

Pink Horrors Complete

[...] Angels Tactical Squad. All I need to do is add static grass to their bases. I am also making good progress on my Plague Marines for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge. [...]

Blightlord Projects Completed

[...] to completing my July project for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge, a unit of Plague Marines, I also completed a second unit of Plague Marines, a CSM Sorcerer, and a Nurgle Daemon [...]

July Project

[...] My July project for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challengeis a unit of Plague Marines for the Blightlord CSM army. I have two more Plague Marine squads that I would like to paint [...]

Pink Horrors Complete

[...] . All I need to do is add static grass to their bases. I am also making good progress on my Plague Marines for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge. [...]

Nurgle Helbrute, Typhus, and Possessed Finished

[...] I finished my June project for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge, a Nurgle Helbrute for my Blightlords army. I have also finished Typhus. I also found time to paint a unit of [...]

Nurgle Helbrute #2 WIP

[...] have posted but I am getting back into the hobby after a break. My first project is a second Nurgle Helbrute for my Blightlord CSM army. Here is a preview. I picked up one of the new Helbrute kits and [...]

Bloodletters done, Typhus almost done, and the next project

[...] and I should be done. I am going to keep working on him this month. My project for June is my Nurgle Helbrute. [...]

New Project - Blightlord Daemon Prince

[...] (which I have already made very good progress on), I am going to work on painting my Blightlord Daemon Prince of Nurgle. This will be my fourth Daemon Prince of Nurgle once it is done. I know a [...]

May Painting Projects

[...] month, there are two projects for my Blightlord army that I really want to finish; My Blightlord Daemon Prince and Helbrute. I still have some conversion work to do on both of [...]

July Project

[...] for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challengeis a unit of Plague Marines for the Blightlord CSM army. I have two more Plague Marine squads that I would like to paint this month if I find [...]

Nurgle Helbrute #2 WIP

[...] back into the hobby after a break. My first project is a second Nurgle Helbrute for my Blightlord CSM army. Here is a preview. I picked up one of the new Helbrute kits and while building it, I [...]

Blood Angel Tactical Squad Complete

[...] I have finished a Blood Angel Tactical Squad. I started this unit over a year ago, and it is finally done. [...]

July Project

[...] time. As for my other projects, I am just about done with a unit of Pink Horrors and a Blood Angel Tactical Squad. On a different note, you may or may not have noticed that I have a new URL [...]

March Projects - More Nurgle Daemons

Here are my projects for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge, reineforcements for my Nurgle Daemon army. I am really excited about the Plague Dro [...]

Belial and Deathwing Command Squad Built

[...] for priming, Belial and a Deathwing Command Squad. I was originally only going to build two Deathwing kits for the challenge, but the new kit was so great that I picked up a third one and used it to [...]

?Key Phrases
Belial and Deathwing Command Squad Built

[...] The last two parts of my 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge are built and ready for priming, Belial and a Deathwing Command Squad. I [...]

February Project

[...] Here are my projects for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge. I am going to build the Ravenwing kits as a unit of six Black Knights. I [...]

February Projects built

[...] I got my 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge projects built for the month. First, a unit of Six Ravenwing Black Knights. [...]

March Projects - More Nurgle Daemons

[...] Here are my projects for the 40k Fight Club 2013 Hobby Challenge, reineforcements for my Nurgle Daemon army. I am really excited about the [...]

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