Small Steps of Faith
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Why do bad things happen? It's a question for the ages. A question many educated Bible scholars have studied and attempted to answer. I am not a Bible...
A recent Bible reading from my grandfathers one Year Bible was chock -full of gems. We should totally speak this over our own kids: 1 Chronicles 28:...
Forgiveness. Not such a big word. Huge meaning. "Will you forgive me?" What are they asking of you? "I forgive you." What are you saying to them? ...
Sunday morning as I get ready for church, I'm also preparing my heart to worship. This Sunday I asked God to have something for my in the service. Music...
There's a cacophony of voices in the world today. All trying to yell louder than the one before to make us hear their point, opinion, problem, whatever...
A recent devotion was centered on a rather popular verse. You know the one - those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up...
My chaplain husband has deployed again. This time to Afghanistan. I thought it might be easier this time, knowing we made it through the last one and...
Homeschooling plus: No formal school the whole month of December. Homeschooling negative: Public school kids had a snow day, we had school. Barely a...
We struggle with variety in our house when it comes to eating. About the only vegetable ever served is Broccoli. I wanted to get everyone to start eating...
I love creating traditions with my kids. Last year we started a Polar Express trip to see Christmas lights. The kids won't know when it's going to happen...
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[...] I've used Roman numerals. She's picking it up pretty well though, so that's good. Friday was a field trip to the fish hatchery. We were also supposed to have lunch near a waterfall but the weather had [...]
[...] Took a field trip to New York City. There's plenty of history and more to see there. I wish we had more time to [...]
Our plan had been to go to Fort Henry but it closed two weeks before we wanted to go. Plan B: got to Upper Canada Village. Granted, I also wanted to m [...]
[...] and if they do the required activities, they earn a Junior Ranger badge. This was such a fun field trip! We spent a couple days touring Historic Philly. In congress hall the park ranger mentioned [...]
[...] our "why's" for homeschooling, how about some "how's?" First off, we have a 6th grader, a 3rd grader, a 1st graders, and a 3 year old. New York requires we have at least 900 hours [...]
[...] Give R, my 6th grader, "harder" multiplication facts and she does fine. Give her 0X6 or 2X1 and she gets [...]
[...] girls liked the printing press (might have something to do with their current love of the movie Newsies). We learned something too. We learned why uppercase and lowercase letters are called upper [...]
[...] video's we took during lunch. It was a pretty cool experience. R is obsessed with the movie Newsies. I blame myself since I was obsessed when I was her age and introduced her to it. We [...]
[...] science. That was also a plus to the Sonlight curriculum. I mentioned in the last post that my 3rd grader has dyslexia. I have a friend who was just finishing up her masters in dyslexic therapies and [...]
[...] first session is 10 lessons and they have a morning class so we don't have to compete with public school kids, nor do we have to try to fit something in our already full afternoons. We are all excited [...]
[...] Homeschooling plus: No formal school the whole month of December. Homeschooling negative: Public school kids had a snow day, we had school. Barely a week into January and we get slammed with crazy [...]
I've talked before about the National Park Junior Ranger programs. I love history. I think the best way to learn about history is to experience it. So [...]
[...] make one cut and end up with a 5 point star. And she gave the star to A. Being sworn in as Junior Rangers after completing their booklets: Printing office: What's a trip to Philly without seeing the [...]
[...] to share the core program of Bible, history and science. That was also a plus to the Sonlight curriculum. I mentioned in the last post that my 3rd grader has dyslexia. I have a friend who [...]
[...] whenever we have the opportunity to visit a National park we check to see if they have a Jr. Ranger program. The kids learn something, and have a finished booklet and patch or badge for their effort. [...]
[...] has to work so much harder than a non dyslexic to read simple words. We started with Horizons Math for all the kids. My 6th grader immediately became frustrated with it. Either it was too [...]
[...] I've used Roman numerals. She's picking it up pretty well though, so that's good. Friday was a field trip to the fish hatchery. We were also supposed to have lunch near a waterfall but the weather had [...]
[...] Took a field trip to New York City. There's plenty of history and more to see there. I wish we had more time to [...]
Our plan had been to go to Fort Henry but it closed two weeks before we wanted to go. Plan B: got to Upper Canada Village. Granted, I also wanted to m [...]
[...] and if they do the required activities, they earn a Junior Ranger badge. This was such a fun field trip! We spent a couple days touring Historic Philly. In congress hall the park ranger mentioned [...]
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