Social Anxiety Fix


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Social Anxiety Fix' channel has quite a good rank. The feed was last updated more than a year ago. In addition 'Social Anxiety Fix' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Social Anxiety Fix' Channel

Overcoming Social Anxiety One Day at a Time

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

'Social Anxiety Fix' provides mostly long articles which may indicate the channel’s devotion to elaborated content.



? Readability Level

'Social Anxiety Fix' contains materials of advanced readability level, which are probably targeted at a smaller group of subscribers savvy on the subject of the channel.



? Sentiment Analysis

'Social Anxiety Fix' contains more negatively biased articles than positive or neutral ones (e.g. it may include some critical or negatively biased opinions on the subjects addressed on the channel).



Recent News

Unfortunately Social Anxiety Fix has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Social Anxiety Disorder Causes

[...] you have intense feelings of discomfort and fear when in social situations? You may have social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder affects millions of people around the world and varies greatly [...]

Holiday Anxiety Disorder

[...] from mild social awkwardness to totally inhibiting social phobia, more commonly known as Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Social phobia is a form of anxiety disorder characterized by an unreasonably [...]

Fear and Anxiety Solution

[...] that you must take it seriously because in that case you might be suffering from social anxiety disorder. Some of the symptoms of the problem are shortness of breath, an increase in the heart [...]

Visualization Scripts for Anxiety

[...] Social anxiety disorder greatly reduces the quality of a person’s life. People who suffer from social anxiety [...]

Beta Blockers For Shyness

[...] with some sort of therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. NAME: EMAIL: We respect your email privacy [...]

Burnout Symptoms Test

[...] to rise above the demands of a new and challenging career. NAME: EMAIL: We respect your email privacy [...]

How to Help a Child with Social Anxiety

[...] to a psychologist for a consultation and thorough examination. NAME: EMAIL: We respect your email privacy [...]

Anxiety Relief Technique

[...] a little extra help tackling with your anxiety relief technique. NAME: EMAIL: We respect your email privacy [...]

How To Overcome Anxiety and Speech Disorder and Communicate with Confidence

[...] that can have negative impact on your speech. These include: QUIET VOICE: Individuals with social phobia tend to have a hard time when speaking in public. This form of quietness can make the way you [...]

Zensight Process

[...] of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. At times the [...]

How to Help a Child with Social Anxiety

[...] Social anxiety or social phobia affects different kinds of people, including teens. Although largely unrecognized, people with [...]

Holiday Anxiety Disorder

[...] , and physical reactions. Shyness may range from mild social awkwardness to totally inhibiting social phobia, more commonly known as Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Social phobia is a form of anxiety [...]

How Shyness Can Affect Your Success on the Job

[...] of my eye, it occurred to me: how well would a shy person fit in with this kind of situation? Shy people are often asked “why are you so quiet?” as if it were some sort of mortal sin. What [...]

How Shy Men Act Around Women They Like

[...] in their shoes. Think of a time that you felt shy yourself. How did it feel? How did you react? Shy people often have trouble making eye contact. They may tend to look down at their feet more than [...]

How to Have a Conversation With Difficult People

[...] . Of course, you can’t get everybody to like you. Still, this is another area in which shy people are at a distinct disadvantage. According to one of the world’s foremost shyness [...]

Holiday Anxiety Disorder

[...] the season of merriment is fast-approaching, various social activities are looming, which most shy people are dreading to avoid. Worse, the holiday season is a time of year when feelings of love, joy, [...]

How to Decode the Body Language of Shy Men

[...] guy. This is because shyness is “catching.” What this means is that being around a shy person can sometimes make you feel a little shy yourself, just as being around an angry person can [...]

How Shyness Can Affect Your Success on the Job

[...] , while observing all of this out of the corner of my eye, it occurred to me: how well would a shy person fit in with this kind of situation? Shy people are often asked “why are you so quiet?& [...]

How Shy Men Act Around Women They Like

[...] you may feel yourself, and remember that you will have to put forth more effort to talk to the shy person. If you have too much trouble talking to the shy person, perhaps you need a little assistance [...]

How to Help a Child with Social Anxiety

[...] Social anxiety or social phobia affects different kinds of people, including teens. Although largely [...]

Visualization Scripts for Anxiety

[...] Social anxiety disorder greatly reduces the quality of a person’s life. People who suffer from social [...]

Beta Blockers For Shyness

[...] Beta blockers can provide some benefits in lessening the distressing physical symptoms of social anxiety, such as pounding heart, shaking, sweaty palms, etc. It is possible that medication can even [...]

How Shy Men Act Around Women They Like

[...] yourself, it will be harder to talk to someone who is quieter than usual. Ask questions of the shy guy to draw him out. Try to overcome any shyness you may feel yourself, and remember that you will [...]

How to Decode the Body Language of Shy Men

[...] are having a hopefully pleasant conversation with someone. So you should not get distracted if a shy guy you’re talking to does not make constant eye contact, at least not at first. You simply [...]

Can a Guy Be Shy With Some People and Not With Others?

[...] An informal survey of the various shyness forums will indicate that the most common type of situational shyness is shyness around the opposite sex. Many people who have no trouble making friends or [...]

Visualization Scripts for Anxiety

[...] – and most opportunities in life do require some sort of social interaction. Visualization scripts for anxiety has been proven to be a very effective tool for dealing with social [...]

Visualization Scripts for Anxiety

[...] yourself somewhere else that you consider safe and stress-free, without the use of visualization tapes. If both methods fail you, first realize that it may take quite a bit of practice until it [...]

?Key Phrases
Social Anxiety Disorder Causes

[...] you have intense feelings of discomfort and fear when in social situations? You may have social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder affects millions of people around the world and varies greatly [...]

Holiday Anxiety Disorder

[...] from mild social awkwardness to totally inhibiting social phobia, more commonly known as Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Social phobia is a form of anxiety disorder characterized by an unreasonably [...]

Fear and Anxiety Solution

[...] that you must take it seriously because in that case you might be suffering from social anxiety disorder. Some of the symptoms of the problem are shortness of breath, an increase in the heart [...]

Visualization Scripts for Anxiety

[...] Social anxiety disorder greatly reduces the quality of a person’s life. People who suffer from social anxiety [...]

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