Socrates MacSporran - Scottish Football Philosopher


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Activity Status


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According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Socrates MacSporran - Scottish Football Philosopher' channel has a poor rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the advanced readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Socrates MacSporran - Scottish Football Philosopher' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

Advanced readability level of 'Socrates MacSporran - Scottish Football Philosopher' content is probably targeted at well-educated subscribers as not all readers might clearly understand their texts. There are also articles with medium readability level, which make more than one third of the channel’s content.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Socrates MacSporran - Scottish Football Philosopher has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

They're All Doomed - Doomed Ah Tell Ye

[...] old Rangers' place in the top flight. But, this didn't happen. Yes, the body of the kirk in Scottish football wanted Rangers punished for perceived past misdeeds (real and imagined). But, they didn't [...]

Well Done Celtic - You Can Only Beat What's In Front Of You

[...] to defend their latest title. Such an approach would make for a much brighter future for Scottish football. JUST a wee thought which was dredged-up this week during a conversation with a Hibs- [...]

Wee Team's Manager Resigns - So What

[...] the 14th most-successful club in Scotland are hugely concerning my esteemed friends in the Scottish Football Writers Association. A Mr Alistair McCoist, the manager of the tribute act has tendered his [...]

Summer's Over - Let The Dreichness Start

[...] on 18 September, we'd be back to being miserable Scots gits. From the perspective of Scottish Football, Celtic getting that UEFA reprieve is, probably good news - at least, we might have a club [...]

A New Career For Ally

[...] SHOULD we really have been surprised at Dundee United slapping down the Rangers tribute act at Ibrox yesterday? After all, United knocking teams who play their home games at that ground [...]

Well Done To The Tribute Act;s Board

[...] it clear - it wisnae me, a big boy did it and ran away. In this instance, the manager of the Tribute Act is having nothing to do with the decision to go ahead with an Ibrox match, against Alloa, which [...]

Sporting Parochialism Isn't Just An American Affliction

[...] of a re-born Old Firm clash this season. They are desperately hoping that Celtic and the Tribute Act will be drawn together in the semi-final of whatever the League Cup is called this season. I [...]

A Win Is A Win Is A Win

[...] mainstream media in Scotland going to man-up and point-out what a total chancer King is. The Tribute Act may be stumbling along, but, when it comes to getting them back to anywhere near the original [...]

A Good World Cup - Now Let's Make Football Better

[...] THE World Cup is safely inside the DFB's offices; the bunting and flags are being taken down across a [...]

Nay Neymar - It Just Got Tougher For The Hosts

[...] ; the lip seemed permanently petted. Since then, he has grown on me, and, particularly in this World Cup, he has convinced me he is a worthy wearer of the legendary number ten Brazil shirt, once worn [...]

Germany Calling - But, Will British Football Answer?

[...] made it very hard, before that glorious Goetze goal - one as good as any ever to win the World Cup. This was the best World Cup for a long time, roll on 2018. Some final thoughts: Messi as Player [...]

I Can See South American Tears Over The Next Two Nights

[...] TONIGHT, we reach the sharp end of the World Cup, with Brazil facing Germany in the first semi-final. I fear the host nation, minus Neymar and [...]

What next For the Rangers Tribute Act?

[...] philosopher. I am delighted to see Kenny McDowall named as interim manager of the Rangers Tribute Act, following Ally McCoist being handed the keys to his garden shed. I have long had a [...]

Young Scottish Talent - There Has Always Been Young Scottish Talent

[...] event to this was surely Michael Mols' intrusion into the current travails of the Rangers tribute act. The Dutch striker has suggested that more former Rangers' stars, both Scots and [...]

Basketball To Basket Case - The Track Record Isn't Good

[...] , has perhaps demonstrated to the money men in London, who ultimately control the Rangers Tribute Act, of his seriousness. However, given that Charles Green always maintained: " [...]

Who's The Mad Hatter And Who's Tweedledum And Tweedledee?

[...] WITH each passing week, events around the Rangers Tribute Act and the on-going soap opera "Edmiston Drive" become more and more akin to a post- [...]

Taxi For McCoist - Maybe

[...] doing what the huge numbers of fans want. They have won back-to-back promotions, they still give Ra Peepul, the chance to turn-up of a weekend and reprise their age-old song book and indulge in their [...]

The King Over The Water Must Be Eliminated

[...] we have a bunch of rebellious "Sweaties", known by the popular title of "Ra Peepul" are rebelling against their rulers, and demanding the reinstatement of their King [...]

A Return To (Some Of) The Old Ways Just Might Work

[...] political power-station driving a huge, powerful internationally-significant nation, rather as Ra Peepul still see Rangers, struggling to maintain a place in the top-four in the second flight of [...]

Germany v Us, In Dortmund - Skoosh Case

[...] has been seized upon by some Rangers fans as a "We wuz robbed" moment. According to Ra Peepul, if the nasty tax man had not so-diligently pursued MIH and Rangers over the EBTs awarded to a [...]

How Can You Celebrate Glesca Without Fitba?

[...] round ties wasn't bad. I spoke to my Corstorphine resident pal this week, and she tells me the Celtic Family behaved themselves during their quick in and out to that douce Edinburgh suburb for their [...]

On This, And On This Alone - I Am With Jim Murphy

[...] to look at the other side of the city and in particular at one of the tribal elders of the Celtic Family. Step forward the Right Honourable James Murphy MP, the self-styled People's Party's leader in [...]

We Lost - Blame Me

[...] ways. ROY Keane has, apparently, knocked back the chance to manage Celtic. I think the Celtic Family dodged a bullet there. [...]

Real Stars Don't Join Tribute Acts

[...] ) seemingly set to be the next manager at Parkhead. Well, it's a good choice - much of the Celtic Family's back story has been distorted by fairy tales and distortion. He's certainly a left-field [...]

Send Them Homeward Tae think Again

[...] be arriving tonight, as the Barmy Army of the self-styled football Master Race come north to Celtic Park, convinced that Wayne an' The Lads will give the Sweaties a footballing lesson. I am not so [...]

Lennon No More

[...] , Super Lenny/That wee Lurgan Lout (delete according to your religious prejudices) has departed Celtic Park. We will miss him, there was always good copy to be had around Neil Lennon. I don't actually [...]

Nice One Gordon - We Can Enjoy Our Summer Now

[...] club's downfall. ONE name I haven't seen mentioned as a possible replacement for Neil Lennon at Celtic Park, is that of Paul Lambert. He has served a managerial apprenticeship, he has coped well in [...]

Soccer's Silly Season Is Different

[...] three teams and you'd have a good competition. And, just imagine a Scotland v England final, at Celtic Park or Ibrox. It would have been a sell-out. Won't happen though, more's the pity. [...]

We've Got A Good Product, But, We Must Sell It Better

[...] , I wouldn't, unless bribed by a nice commission from a media outlet. And there's the rub - Scottish fitba has aye been a winter game. Note those two words: "aye been", the two most [...]

You'll Struggle With This Ronny - It's Aye Been This Way

[...] history of the game". Aye Right. I am, yet again, having a go at the received wisdom in Scottish fitba. Wisdom? Scottish fitba? Precisely. But, Cletic's new Norwegian boss has a point, several in [...]

NO!! - Ronnie, we don't want paragons, we want piss artistes

[...] for a wee bevvy. (A "bevvy", by the way, is the collective term for a group of Scottish fitba writers). Did the Tartan Army get upset when wee Bremner led from the front in breaking a [...]

Tiem T Finally Deliver For WGS And His Men

[...] I HAVE said before, and will doubtless say-so again, Scottish Fitba has a guid conceit o' itsel', but a conceit perhaps based more on a sense of self- [...]

It Was All Going So Well - Then The Fitba Started

[...] their three-goal deficit and win the tie, there ought to be a Stewards' Inquiry. We dream of a Scottish team in Europe past Christmas. This season, the dream is of a Scottish team in Europe when the [...]

They're Coming Home, They're Coming Home - England's Coming Home

[...] dross with a few touches on a sub-editor's computer keyboard. In the continuing absence of a Scottish team with global ambitions, relishing the English angst which follows another stumble out of the [...]

In The Name Of Charity - Import This Pole, Peter

[...] . GOOD luck too to Ms Kerr up at Stirling University. Mind you, that is probably the best Scottish team to take the plunge and appoint a female manager. By definition, being a university side, [...]

Sunshine On Leith - Grey Skies Over Castle Greyskull

[...] in the old SFL Third Division, I argued this was a chance for Rangers to grow into the sort of Scottish team who would, in time, be able to get into the then SPL and immediately challenge Celtic. That [...]

Di Stefano - Aye, no Bad

[...] 't have been liquidated, relegated three divisions and pilloried. Beleive that if you will Rangers fans. Carry-on the denial, deflect all you like. That's shite. The BTC was one element among many [...]

Even The Old Bears Are Despairing

[...] Edmiston Drive way. His message is blunt. "The guys making the running there now are not Rangers fans, they are not Scottish football fans - they are in there because, they know a successful [...]

Young Scottish Talent - There Has Always Been Young Scottish Talent

[...] network, finding future stars for the club. OK, as far as it goes, but, I am sure a lot of Rangers fans would far prefer that the club began to bring a steady stream of young, native talent, out of [...]

Germany v Us, In Dortmund - Skoosh Case

[...] case of HMRC v Murray International Holdings' ECT Trusts has been seized upon by some Rangers fans as a "We wuz robbed" moment. According to Ra Peepul, if the nasty tax man had [...]

?Key Phrases
They're All Doomed - Doomed Ah Tell Ye

[...] old Rangers' place in the top flight. But, this didn't happen. Yes, the body of the kirk in Scottish football wanted Rangers punished for perceived past misdeeds (real and imagined). But, they didn't [...]

Well Done Celtic - You Can Only Beat What's In Front Of You

[...] to defend their latest title. Such an approach would make for a much brighter future for Scottish football. JUST a wee thought which was dredged-up this week during a conversation with a Hibs- [...]

Wee Team's Manager Resigns - So What

[...] the 14th most-successful club in Scotland are hugely concerning my esteemed friends in the Scottish Football Writers Association. A Mr Alistair McCoist, the manager of the tribute act has tendered his [...]

Summer's Over - Let The Dreichness Start

[...] on 18 September, we'd be back to being miserable Scots gits. From the perspective of Scottish Football, Celtic getting that UEFA reprieve is, probably good news - at least, we might have a club [...]

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