Somaliland Monitor
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Somalia should focus on strengthening the key building blocks for stability and growth as it recovers from more than two decades of civil war, the IMF...
By: Ahmed Mohamed Hungurilacase Ismael Shirwac lives in Hargaisa Somaliland. He is one of the most brilliant Somaliland youth I have ever come across...
By Abdirisak Itaqile Hargeisa, (Somaliland Monitor) -Nearly $100,000 has been raised for the construction of a new Basketball stadium in a government...
Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, a son of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, in a courtroom in Zintan, Libya, in 2014. Reuters By David D. Kirkpatrickjuly CAIRO — A...
Jamal Osman reports on the boom in Somaliland attracting migrants seeking jobs and opportunities from Yemen, Ethiopia – and London. Faisal Kiber used...
By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye Somalis are at the front in the fight against terror. The Kenyans’ view, however, according to the Newsweek article, “After...
By Oliver Lane One of Somalia’s only five-star hotels was all-but destroyed at the weekend by a suicide bomber, who has been revealed by Somali security...
A third was injured as they passed a hotel that houses diplomatic missions Mourners carrying the body of journalist Abdihakin Mohamed Omar, at his funeral...
By Gulaid Mohammed Yassin(Dalha) The answer of this question has long been considering. Finally I attained the answer although it is unacceptable to...
A car bomb rips through the Jazeera hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia, Sunday morning, July 26, 2015. (Courtesy photo by Mohamed Moalimuu) By Dan Joseph At...
By Abdirisak Itaqile A political cartoon drawn by famous Somali cartoonist Amin Amir has accused president Silanyo of seeking ways to change the country...
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[...] have been quantified by many professional intellects around the world. Ill-advisedly, the international community discounted the implausible ability and the outstanding performance that the people of [...]
[...] – Determination, and the will and solemn determination of a whole nation. By now, the International Community must know that we are ready to adopt the philosophy of the German Uprising founded by [...]
[...] The international community remains worried about Somalia’s prospects for returning to stability. A Somali boy [...]
[...] eloquently of the history of Somaliland, achievements and the hopes they have of the international community to reward it for the peaceand stability it realized – almost singlehandedly – for 23 [...]
[...] By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye Shakespeare’s play was acted in Somaliland? President Silanyo along with his playwrights spared no effort to bring the actors to Hargeisa, thanks to Hirsi [...]
[...] by all Somaliland government officials, in particular the current ruling party led by president Silanyo. The result of lacking a good communicator for this fragile nation can be applied the [...]
[...] plan of which all resulted in the desired outcome without any changing of the venues, president Silanyo met with President Hassan of Mogadishu without any blueprint to independence. In spite of [...]
[...] By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye In sense of urgency and frustration, president Silanyo tried to ask Addis Ababa government to hand Sultan Waber over to him but his last attempt [...]
[...] and substantial revenues. Al-Shabaab also lost many of its territories. Last year, the Somali government forces and those of the African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) named more than a dozen villages [...]
[...] of a dubious deal-making that I refer to as Injera diplomacy and its cronies within the Somali government. All paid for by the international community as part of the U.N.-mandated African Union [...]
[...] base that houses several foreign embassies as well as the headquarters of the AU force. The Somali government, which took power in August 2012, was the first to be given global recognition since the [...]
[...] being piloted by the Solutions Alliance. Humanitarian leaders express optimism that the Somali government’s New Deal initiative, which emphasizes stabilization and long-term development goals, will [...]
[...] of Somalia, and that’s fair, as Turkey only donated not more 4 o5 ambulance trucks to Somaliland people. This can’t become a case allowing for Turkey to take the mediation role, for that Turkey [...]
[...] Republic even though ignorance and corruption is undermining that people’s achievement. Somaliland people did not only survive but triumphed by their resilience, persistence and interdependence even [...]
[...] from day one of the ill-fated union to when Mogadishu government died. from1960 to1991 Somaliland people are in the dark of what their government is up to! But there are three things we know. That [...]
[...] and created a force that can deliver all elements of police service to Somaliland people since he was sworn in as Somaliland’s new Police Chief Commissioner on April, 2012. “ [...]
[...] ). The authenticity was the unity of the two regions under the sovereign name of the Somali Republic, the concept was to create a greater Somali territorial integrity under one independent [...]
[...] remains the Head of State and nothing more. In other words, back to the history of the Somali Republic, the country has experienced Semi-Presidential System after the unification of 1960. A [...]
[...] the union the dream of greater Somalia was abandoned by first Somaliland. Therefore, the Somali Republic had immediately failed to establish a viable and representative state across the Somali [...]
[...] reside in Bristol originate from Somaliland. Somaliland declared independence from the Somali Republic in 1991 following a long war and has since been recognised as a state by some countries and [...]
[...] peace, reconciliation and stability. Leading the UN’s efforts in assisting the country is Nicholas Kay, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, who has been at the helm of the UN [...]
[...] capital of Mogadishu, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, welcomed the Somali Government’s dedication to improving the lives of its children alongside [...]
[...] perspective it is clearly worrying if there is a complete stop in remittances,” Nicholas Kay, the U.N. Special Representative for Somalia, said in an interview Thursday in New York. [...]
[...] , there are multiple other issues that need to be addressed. The UN representative to Somalia, Nicholas Kay, says inter-clan disputes could lead to more serious conflicts. “The importance of the [...]
[...] Photo/Amanda Voisard (file) United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called the new Prime Minister of Somalia, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, to congratulate him on his recent appointment, [...]
[...] By Associated Press Mogadishu, (AP) — Somalia’s new prime minister named his 26 member-Cabinet, reinstating a large number of ministers who served in his [...]
[...] . The Bank’s total asset has reached over 250 billion Birr. Bereket Simon, Adviser to the Prime Minister with the Rank of Minister and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the CBE, said that the [...]
[...] President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has played an instrumental role. As early as 2011, as Prime Minister, he came to Somalia himself – the first leader of his stature to set foot in our [...]
[...] Mohamed Goth Somaliland Minister of Energy and Minerals Hon Hussein Abdi Dualeh warned the federal government of Somalia against continued provocation and interfering in country’s internal affairs [...]
[...] not up to date on Somali politics, although the country is currently run by a democratic, federal government which replaced a series of transitional governments in 2012, the country actually has yet [...]
[...] , including attacks on the Federal parliament as well as on Villa Somalia, the seat of the Federal Government. There have also been several targeted assassinations including against government [...]
[...] also exchanged views with regard to recent talks between Somaliland leadership and the Federal Government of Somalia in Djibouti, the planned technical meeting between Ethiopia and Somaliland and [...]
[...] South African man in Mitchel Plain, South Africa. By Abdirisak Itaqile Mitchells Plain, (Somaliland Monitor) -Somaliland Monitor has obtained an exclusive video on Wednesday night shooting spree in [...]
[...] Harun Muse draped in clothes while his chopped head bleeds By Abdirisak Itaqile Hargeisa, (Somaliland Monitor) -At least one person died and three others were wounded following a fatal car accident in [...]
[...] spanned more than 50 years, was known for his raspy voice By Abdirisak Itaqile Hargeisa, (Somaliland Monitor) -Legendary singer Mohamed Ahmed Kuluc, Somali speaking people’s most renowned singer has [...]
[...] By Abdirisak Itaqile Hargeisa, (Somaliland Monitor) -Responding to what he called an outbreak of gang-related violence in the capital; [...]
[...] member of my party consular (Labour) and local Member of parliament, and local of Somaliland community and also local community oppositions they have done such a wonderful job to show the [...]
[...] doctors to have effective consultation and cooperate on those issues. Generally Somaliland community will have a negative attitude against us, if such acts continue.” The Chairman in his [...]
[...] over the management of gains, contracts, profits and personnel allocations among Somaliland community? All these above stated interrogations are needed to response very comprehensively and [...]
[...] spokesman but Bihi of the foreign ministry whose role seem marginalized. Mr Dirye is Somaliland Activist and Political Commentator. [...]
[...] that why with Wadani Party the entire nations stands with them. Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye Somaliland Activist and Political Commentator health care proxies—his extended families and religious bigots [...]
[...] but beyond repulsive when hundreds of youth perished at Med Sea. Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye Somaliland Activist and Political Commentator All these crises and tragic deaths became insignificant at [...]
[...] have been quantified by many professional intellects around the world. Ill-advisedly, the international community discounted the implausible ability and the outstanding performance that the people of [...]
[...] – Determination, and the will and solemn determination of a whole nation. By now, the International Community must know that we are ready to adopt the philosophy of the German Uprising founded by [...]
[...] The international community remains worried about Somalia’s prospects for returning to stability. A Somali boy [...]
[...] eloquently of the history of Somaliland, achievements and the hopes they have of the international community to reward it for the peaceand stability it realized – almost singlehandedly – for 23 [...]
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