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THE MOLICE are doing you a service by swinging their album “GATE” wide open. It’s music for everyone and in part, funded by everyone who’s a fan, and...
It’s getting odd in here, so take off all your clothes. This heat wave is only getting worse thanks to odd eyes and their single “neppa.” These guys...
CRAZY VODKA TONIC try to get lost in the stacks, but their shadows give them in away in “Namida no Somato.” CVT are jamming among bookcases and drowning...
Hold on to your helmets, MISOKKASU is ready to blow you up in “Disco Explosion.” This extreme synth dance track is full force heat high energy. The keyboardist...
Become possessed by Czecho No Republic’s “Telepathy.” Using witchy ways, Czecho No Republic wiggle their fingers and smash them heavily on the synthesizers...
You better write this ish down right now. Chasedown will be blowing up your spot with some jumpy rap/rock rhymes in “Ghostwriter.” It’s headbanging,...
Pizza. Skate. Rock. DRADNATS know what’s up in “Get Me Back.” It’s straight up no frills pop punk that doesn’t let up for 3 minutes and still backs some...
If you’re friends with P, well then you’re friends with me and THE MOLICE. Get with it in “Side P.” The band delivers another dance-y pop rocker you...
“Johnny” really needs to see a dentist because this sweet grungy rock band Falsettos is knocking your teeth the “F” out. “F” is for feedback. Falsettos...
Hold on to the hilt of your sword because THE LOTUS AGE BAND is cutting deep with a fantastic “Minamokagami” single. Unsheathe this shiny track to find...
You better run. A flood of circle’s “Midnight Crawler” will grab hold of you with it’s scorching guitar riffs. The song takes to the streets and screams...
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