Character Coach / Sports Chaplain Blog


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'Character Coach / Sports Chaplain Blog' channel has an excellent rank. Despite such a rank, the feed was last updated more than a month ago. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the intermediate readability level, which is a result that may indicate difficult texts on the channel, probably due to a big amount of industrial or scientific terms.

About 'Character Coach / Sports Chaplain Blog' Channel

This is a blog for my colleagues who are engaged in ministry with people of sport. In particular it is for those of us w...

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'Character Coach / Sports Chaplain Blog' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

Intermediate readability level is common for 'Character Coach / Sports Chaplain Blog' articles as it addresses the matters that demand certain level of education to be understood. Sometimes the channel gets even more difficult by issuing pieces of advanced readability level (there are just a few of them). In addition the channel contains some materials of a basic readability level.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately Character Coach / Sports Chaplain Blog has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Preseason Notes

[...] numbers, and other details that seem helpful. · At preseason practices, speak with the coaching staff, support staff, and players as you can. Build relationships, they are central to everything [...]

Wise service in a public college or university

[...] the school’s student-athletes. They are used to having adversarial relationships with the coaching staff, don’t fall into that trap. These are some simple, but important points of emphasis as we [...]

Privileged Information

[...] hiring, firing, resignation, retirement, suspension, and other reasons for movement among the coaching staff, their support staff, and administration is of great consequence for everyone involved. We [...]

Notes on Coaching Staff Transitions

[...] not only ushers in thoughts of holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it is football coaching staff transition season. At every level of American football there have already been and will [...]

A Recommendation from the Sports Chaplaincy Table

[...] Over the last fifteen months, the men and women of the Sports Chaplaincy Table of the In Sport Group, a network of sports ministries around the globe, have been [...]

South Africa Trip Journal excerpts

[...] the development of ministry in sport I experienced with our friends and the emergence of sports chaplaincy in that nation. I hope these notes are an encouragement to you. Trip Journal South Africa – [...]

Ministry in Athletics (Track and Field): an Evaluation

[...] on occasions. This is supplemented with emails, texts and phone calls. Most people who do sports chaplaincy in a single sport use a chapel or Bible Study model.  While I have led an athletes’ Bible [...]

Love Extravagantly and Serve Selflessly

[...] For the last several years I have been describing the primary tasks of sports chaplaincy as being to: Love Extravagantly and to Serve Selflessly. Those are rather broad and sweeping [...]

Journal Excerpt - 2012 Football Preseason

[...] Below is an excerpt from my 2012 journal with Saluki Football. It details much of my activity and interaction with the coaches and players during the weeks [...]

Changing Strategies - 20 Years In

[...] the lives of their players. 4) Sport Chaplaincy at SIUC. My twenty-first season of serving Saluki Football began back on August 2 with five sessions of Team Building, two early morning chapel talks, [...]

Radio Interview with @SalukiChaplain

[...] , does the interview with me and Coach Dale Lennon adds some comments related to my service of Saluki Football for the past twenty seasons. Here is a link to the almost 9 ½ minute interview. https:// [...]

Short-term Projects and Long-term Relationships

[...] Looking back on this season and further back at the past twenty-one seasons with Saluki Football, there are a couple of factors that have made for the enduring nature of our tenure and the [...]

Sport Chaplain serving faithfully in the NFL

[...] goals and reminding them of how thankful he is to know them. He prefers to be called a character coach, not a chaplain, because he doesn't push religion on anyone. "He just wants to love you,& [...]

Love Extravagantly and Serve Selflessly

[...] not yet Christians and may not value his or her presence, that is extravagant love. When a character coach relentlessly attends practices, training sessions, team meetings, and any other team function [...]

Wise service in a public college or university

[...] Serving as a sport chaplain or character coach in public colleges and universities in the United States is a tremendous privilege and is [...]

Privileged Information

[...] , but are less directly involved. Sometimes that means a call to the team chaplain, the character coach or the sport mentor. As we find ourselves drawn into such a process, treat this privilege [...]

Relationship Focus

[...] proportionately less time with those whose commitment seemed proportionately lesser. The Sport Chaplain or Sport Mentor certainly has a similar set of relationships which can be seen in concentric [...]

Please join us in Prayer

[...] in these categories: 1. Introduction / Profile of Sportspeople 2. A Biblical Foundation for Sport Chaplain Ministry 3. Profile of a Sport Chaplain / Code of Conduct for Sport Chaplains 4. A Sport [...]

Thanks for your prayers!

[...] in one hour sessions: 1. Introduction / Profile of Sportspeople 2. A Biblical Foundation for Sport Chaplain Ministry 3. Profile of a Sport Chaplain / Code of Conduct for Sport Chaplains 4. A Sport [...]

Wise service in a public college or university

[...] Serving as a sport chaplain or character coach in public colleges and universities in the United States is a tremendous [...]

Conflicts in Collegiate Sport

[...] . I will make an effort to outline some of these issues, how they intersect our work as sport chaplains, character coaches, and sport mentors. I will also aim to simply state the nature of the [...]

Please join us in Prayer

[...] materials that will set a global standard for the most basic training for people to serve as Sport Chaplains. This training material will be hosted on-line with a set of instructions (on pdf) to read, [...]

Thanks for your prayers!

[...] for Sport Chaplain Ministry 3. Profile of a Sport Chaplain / Code of Conduct for Sport Chaplains 4. A Sport Chaplain’s Relationships 5. Serving as a Sport Chaplain in Critical [...]

A Recommendation from the Sports Chaplaincy Table

[...] player’s retirement, a coach’s being fired, an injury, or even death. Excellent training for sport chaplains should include some basics for how to serve well in such situations. X. A Process for [...]

Best Day in Sport Chaplaincy

[...] is his first season of serving as team chaplain and he seems thrilled to be in the role. As the day for this game approached I was flooded [...]

Wise service in a public college or university

[...] aroma of controversy was enough to intimidate this administration into excluding the team chaplain. I spoke with a number of people; chaplains, character coaches, players, and others [...]

Privileged Information

[...] , understand the situation, but are less directly involved. Sometimes that means a call to the team chaplain, the character coach or the sport mentor. As we find ourselves drawn into such a process, [...]

A Recommendation from the Sports Chaplaincy Table

[...] submits the following recommendation to all agencies that train, certify, and place sports chaplains all across the globe. We have collaborated with many of the leading agencies and individuals [...]

Preseason Notes

[...] of year is always exciting because it’s full of anticipation and hope for success. For sports chaplains and character coaches, this season of the year also presents some unique opportunities [...]

Thanks for your prayers!

[...] amount of unity as we collaborated on a basic, introductory training course for sports chaplains that will be delivered in six one hour sessions. I am forever indebted to this [...]

A Cadence of Decade Rhythm

[...] Earlier this week, I was privileged and honored to be a part of some Sport Chaplaincy training that occurred in Hong Kong, China. I joined Ross Georgiou from Sports Chaplaincy New [...]

Heart of a Chaplain - Richard Gamble

[...] During the days of 13 and 14 May, I was privileged and honored to be a part of some Sport Chaplaincy training that occurred in Hong Kong, China. I joined Ross Georgiou from Sports Chaplaincy New [...]

Men, Ministry, Movement, Murmuring, Administration, Multiplication

[...] several of our colleagues around the world who were to join me in Hong Kong for some sport chaplaincy training and conversation about setting a global standard for training sport chaplains. The first [...]

A Recommendation from the Sports Chaplaincy Table

[...] around the globe, have been collaborating to produce a set of recommendations for sports chaplaincy training agencies. We have sought to determine what would be the global standard for such [...]

South Africa Trip Journal excerpts

[...] 3D Coaching. · I was able to fan the flame of movement at work in South Africa toward sports chaplaincy training and development. · I was able to invest in relationships with people like Hein and [...]

?Key Phrases
Preseason Notes

[...] numbers, and other details that seem helpful. · At preseason practices, speak with the coaching staff, support staff, and players as you can. Build relationships, they are central to everything [...]

Wise service in a public college or university

[...] the school’s student-athletes. They are used to having adversarial relationships with the coaching staff, don’t fall into that trap. These are some simple, but important points of emphasis as we [...]

Privileged Information

[...] hiring, firing, resignation, retirement, suspension, and other reasons for movement among the coaching staff, their support staff, and administration is of great consequence for everyone involved. We [...]

Notes on Coaching Staff Transitions

[...] not only ushers in thoughts of holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it is football coaching staff transition season. At every level of American football there have already been and will [...]

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