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Welcome to This Week in Spring, SpringOne2GX 2013 edition! We're now in day 2 of the SpringOne2GX 2013 conference in Santa Clara, CA! Yesterday's keynote...
If you are a Java developer looking to increase your Spring knowledge, Spring Training by Pivotal is the place to start. We are providing several Spring...
Spring for Apache Hadoop 1.0.1 GA – adding support for Hadoop version 2 We are happy to announce a new 1.0.1 GA release of the Spring for Apache...
We are pleased to announce that the final milestone for Spring Integration (3.0.0.M3) is now available. The 3.0.0.M3 Release Notes list the features...
Welcome to This Week in Spring! SpringOne is almost upon us! It kicks off this weekend with the Cloud Foundry Platform event and continues on until next...
Learn how Spring and Cucumber integrate to make test automation easier. Cucumber is a framework for Behavior-Driven-Development (BDD), a refinement...
Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring. We have a lot to cover, as usual! Spring Security and lead Rob Winch feature heavily in this...
It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the release of Spring LDAP 1.3.2. This release contains lots of bug fixes and will provide a solid foundation...
We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 3.0.0.M1 is now available via Github and the SpringSource download repository. This release represents our...
Dear Spring Community, I am pleased to announce the first release candidate of Spring Data Redis 1.1! Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation...
We are glad to announce that we will host a FREE conference about Spring and Hadoop on Friday August 30th in downtown Singapore from 6 to 8 PM. ...
Unfortunately SpringSource.org has no news yet.
But you may check out related channels listed below.
[...] stuff. The complete Spring training schedule for September, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas October 01 - 04: Core Spring in Boston, MA October 01 - 04: Core Spring in Ballwin, MO [...]
[...] . The complete Spring training schedule for May, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas May 07 - 10: Core Spring in Boston, MA May 07 - 10: Core Spring in Dallas, TX May 13 - [...]
[...] Courses) The complete Spring training schedule for September, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas September 03 - 06: Core Spring in Dallas, TX September 10 - 13: Core Spring in [...]
[...] classes. The complete Spring training schedule for August, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas August 06 - 09: Core Spring in Phoenix, AZ August 06 - 09: Core Spring Live Online in [...]
[...] parent and child object. The second introduces the initBinder mechanism. The JavaBeat blog has a nice post on how to use Spring's scopes Pravin Chavan has a nice post on how to handle HTTP request [...]
[...] Large Scale Java Applications, From Spring and Java to Spring and Akka The HMK blog has a really nice post on how to use the Cujo.js's rest.js and Spring MVC. Very cool! The JavaRevisited blog has put [...]
[...] availability of the Spring Security Java configuration support. Rob also just posted a very nice post (the first of four) on the new Spring Security Java configuration support. The first post [...]
[...] newest, hottest projects in Spring - Spring Boot on September 26th. Jan Stenberg put together a nice post on Russ Miles' Life Preserver pattern as used with Spring. The post is a little light on code, [...]
[...] Spring on June 13th. I'll be introducing Spring's deep support for REST services, starting with Spring MVC and moving up the Richardson Maturity Model to incorporate Spring HATEOAS and, ultimately, [...]
[...] Roger Hughes is back with a tutorial (of two posts, thus far). The first, RESTful Ajax with Spring MVC, establishes an application (without REST and Ajax) and the second then introduces serializing [...]
[...] to SpringMVC. Paul Chapman introduces some of the diverse support for content negotiation in Spring MVC on the SpringSource blog. Chris Harris's talk, the Spring Data MongoDB Project, from [...]
[...] Daniel Fernandez, author of the amazing Thymeleaf templating engine that works well with Spring MVC and Spring Security. We're happy to have him pen a blog post on how Thymeleaf contributes to [...]
[...] We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 2.2.0.RELEASE is now available via Maven Central, Github and the SpringSource download [...]
[...] for you!) Head over to gopivotal.com for the next blog in the Hadoop 101 series -- How to Use Spring Batch with Spring for Apache Hadoop. We're excited to launch A Week of Spring in conjunction with [...]
[...] We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 2.2.0.RC1 is now available via the SpringSource Milestone repository. Spring Batch Home | [...]
[...] Shell lead Dr. Mark Pollack has announced that Spring Shell 1.0.1.M1 has just been released. Spring Batch 2.2.1.RELEASE is now available. This release is mostly bug fixes and documentation [...]
[...] What's New in Spring Integration Spring Integration 2.2 introduces many exciting new features including among other things new adapters [...]
[...] Spring Integration in the Wild Few companies have been quite at the forefront of implementing Spring [...]
[...] (SpringSource) and Damien Dallimore (Splunk) as they discuss and demonstrate Splunk and Spring Integration. Spring Integration provides a number of adapters out of the box to support various [...]
[...] Building for Performance with Spring Integration & Spring Batch Spring Integration & Spring Batch greatly simplify the process of developing enterprise integration [...]
[...] Spring for Apache Hadoop 1.0.1 GA – adding support for Hadoop version 2 We are happy to announce a new 1.0.1 GA [...]
[...] We are happy to announce a new release candidate 1.0.1.RC1 for the Spring for Apache Hadoop project. This release candidate introduces support for Apache Hadoop 1.1.2, Hortonworks HDP 1. [...]
[...] programming, which walks you through a simple word count program. Learn some basics about Apache Hadoop via four coding approaches: using the native Hadoop library alternate libraries such as Pig, [...]
[...] the Spring Data Hadoop project that offers a simple POJO programming model for Apache Hadoop developers. 2- Getting started with Apache Hadoop Steve Illingworth is The Chief [...]
[...] -06-27 10:00 End: 2013-06-27 11:00 Timezone: US/Pacific Sure the new features coming out in Spring Framework 4.0 are super exciting, but what about those of us that are still explaining dependency [...]
[...] Sure the new features coming out in Spring Framework 4.0 are super exciting, but what about those of us that are still explaining dependency [...]
[...] the release of Spring Social Twitter 1.0.5.RELEASE. Spring Social is an extension of the Spring Framework that enables you to connect your Java applications to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers [...]
[...] YouTube channel! This webinar provides soft-skills required to help introduce the Spring framework in your organization. Petri Kainulainen is back at it, this time with a post on to unit test [...]
[...] Halloween today, tomorrow or soon, then Happy Halloween to you! Do you want to learn more about Spring Data? You might check out the new O'Reilly e-book, and - for a limited time only - get it for 50% [...]
[...] modern Ajax and mobile applications. He's been working with Spring Data to provide mapping capabilities for NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Riak and he's working with [...]
[...] Spring Data "Babbage." Spring Data Arora SR1 released this week (named for Sanjeev Arora). As an aside, you have probably noticed [...]
[...] , never fear, we will be rolling out future contests for you!) Oliver Gierke has announced Spring Data Babbage, the first milestone of the next Spring Data release train. This release includes a lot [...]
[...] Dear Spring Community, We are pleased to announce the release of when.js 2.0.0. When.js is cujojs’s lightweight [...]
[...] Dear Spring Community, I'm happy to announce the 1.1.0.M3 release of Spring Social, Spring Social Facebook, and [...]
[...] Dear Spring Community, I'm happy to announce the 1.1.0.M4 release of Spring Social, Spring Social Facebook, and [...]
[...] Dear Spring Community, The Spring XD team is pleased to announce that the second milestone of Spring XD is now [...]
[...] pull request for this feature! Improvements to the Embedded LDAP container Stay tuned to the SpringSource Blog over the coming week for more information about Spring Security Java Configuration. [...]
[...] you to try it sooner and provide us feedback before the final release. Stay tuned to the SpringSource blog for an article that walks you through how to use Spring Security Java Configuration. In the [...]
[...] Chapman introduces some of the diverse support for content negotiation in Spring MVC on the SpringSource blog. Chris Harris's talk, the Spring Data MongoDB Project, from SpringOne2GX 2012 is now [...]
[...] on Spring at numerous conferences and is an active technical blogger on the SpringSource blog. Michael holds the position of Education Manager for the Asia-Pacific region at [...]
[...] stuff. The complete Spring training schedule for September, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas October 01 - 04: Core Spring in Boston, MA October 01 - 04: Core Spring in Ballwin, MO [...]
[...] . The complete Spring training schedule for May, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas May 07 - 10: Core Spring in Boston, MA May 07 - 10: Core Spring in Dallas, TX May 13 - [...]
[...] Courses) The complete Spring training schedule for September, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas September 03 - 06: Core Spring in Dallas, TX September 10 - 13: Core Spring in [...]
[...] classes. The complete Spring training schedule for August, 2013 can be found below: Step 1: Core Spring Americas August 06 - 09: Core Spring in Phoenix, AZ August 06 - 09: Core Spring Live Online in [...]
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