System Center Central
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For the last several months Pete Zerger, Tao Yang, Kevin Greene, Anders Bengtsson and me have been working hard to update Inside OMS book. With the latest...
Hi, does anyone know if SC2016 Orchestrator can receive and process SNMP traps. I want to write a runbook to receive SNMP traps from a application and...
Before Ignite 2018 Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and specifically ARM templates are the only deployment option available. I am excluding Azure CLI, AzureRM...
Fellow SCOM enthusiasts, I have started experiencing this issue where Linux specific rules and monitors failing to load on the two Management Servers...
Am trying to upgrade my SCSM instance from 2016 to SCSM 1807. However, the doc’s mention that we need to upgrade SCSM 2016 to SCSM 1801 first and then...
As I still see people confused and not informed about OMS I’ve decided to write this blog post and lay my thoughts around the end of OMS.If you are not...
Not so long ago in Azure we only had resource group level deployment but a couple of months ago subscription level deployments were implemented. On resource...
“Don´t be a dinosaur, learn how to stay on top of your it Infrastructure when transitioning into Azure” — Join Niklas Akerlund, MVP, Cloud and Automation...
With the increased uptake of cloud technologies across the board, Kelverion have seen a significant shift in companies moving their automation from on...
In my blog post Defining Input Parameters For Policy Definitions in ARM Template I’ve showed you how to use deploy policy definitions with parameters...
Azure Policy team has a GitHub repository of Policy definitions examples. Recently I’ve been looking at some of the examples there and I’ve noticed that...
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