Tax Analysts
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Donald Trump has finally explained – sort of – why he’s been so evasive about releasing his tax returns. Apparently, he’s being audited. But in fact,...
What if someone waved a magic wand and suddenly increased your take-home pay? No, you wouldn’t need to put in longer hours. You’d simply be allowed to...
The government shouldn’t be able to take your money before you get your day in court.
Hell hath no fury like a Brussels bureaucrat scorned. Consider European Union Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. Questioned by BBC Radio 4's...
The prospect of the United Kingdom pulling out of the European Union is now much more than theoretical. Having cut his deal with the European Union, U...
A wise person once observed that it’s difficult to fix something if you can’t measure the extent of the problem. I was reminded of this when I read Kimberly...
There isn't much new in President Obama's final budget proposal. The budget features 115 tax provisions from last year's plan, and many of the 30 new...
I must confess, I am surprised at the sudden interest in transfer pricing in the state tax world.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died February 13 and was universally acknowledged as both an intellectual pillar of the Court’s modern-day conservative...
I recently attended the Capital Matters conference, presented by the Tax Council Policy Institute in Washington. The 2016 conference focused on how taxes...
Two proposals in Georgia advance good tax policy.
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