Te Raranga
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”“ ‘this was the love that was laid upon thy governors, that the nation be made one, that the white skin be made one, and that he be made just equal...
by Paul Askin The Canterbury earthquakes are old news for many I know. News bulletins have long since moved on. Some of the current headlines from around...
”“ So began our journey into the unknown. On reflection it felt rather like being pushed off the map into uncharted territory where we had never been...
The wonderful folk at St Christopher’s Avonhead hosted the annual ministers’ prayer breakfast this year. A resource pack including helpful information...
The Community in Mind strategy guides agencies and community groups to develop, target and coordinate their work programmes and activities for the psychosocial...
”“ There were two stark responses we could have taken after the quakes: how do we keep it together? or conversely, how do we use this to help the community...
CERA invited the churches of the city to a presentation at CERA’s offices in May 2014. Slides for the presentation are available here. 20140513 Interchurch...
The Neighbourhood Project launched over the last weekend in March and was a wonderful success. Using the tagline ‘Knowing your neighbour is a piece of...
The Big Picture Competition: Drawing attention to child poverty solutions 285,000 children live in poverty in New Zealand. That’s more than 1 in 4 kids...
Kingdom Resources: Making a Difference for 25 Years! Thousands of people in Christchurch and North Canterbury have been helped by Kingdom Resources with...
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[...] destroy the natural selfishness of the human heart and lead Christians to sacrificial service that benefits the whole city” to quote Tim Keller (Centre Church p172). And [...]
[...] should destroy the natural selfishness of the human heart and lead Christians to sacrificial service that benefits the whole city.” He goes on to write, “Christians should seek to live [...]
[...] The Neighbourhood Project launched over the last weekend in March and was a wonderful success. Using the tagline ‘ [...]
[...] businesses. With many supporting agencies encouraging the project, we feel that The Neighbourhood Project, an initiative to encouraging stronger communities across our region has all the markings [...]
[...] in these deliberations and representatives from the Churches Forum are active in the two focus groups that have been identified as needing immediate attention, Greater Aranui and Greater Hornby. [...]
[...] groups. Residents of greater Christchurch had initial input into the Strategy through focus groups and interviews. International researchers and practitioners had input into the Strategy [...]
[...] , Christchurch City Council and community organisations in the rebuild of public and community facilities. We have been asked to provide this information in order to populate a web-based mapping [...]
[...] such as dealing with broken homes, insurance claims, poor roading and the loss of community facilities. These secondary issues – sometimes called ‘manmade stressors’ – can be worse than [...]
[...] to facilitate collaboration across government agencies, Christchurch City Council and community organisations in the rebuild of public and community facilities. We have been asked to provide this [...]
[...] stronger communities. All funding for the project was raised from grants and community organisations, enabling The Neighbourhood Project to truly be community owned. We’re excited [...]
[...] quote Tim Keller (Centre Church p172). And that’s what we got on with. Our existing community ministries, like our two Early Learning Centres, the Mainly Music group, and a fortnightly [...]
[...] in.” Glenn Dodson, CEO of Stepping Stones Trust, (part of the Southwest Baptist group of community ministries and the largest NGO provider of mental health services in our region) reports that his [...]
[...] ministers’ prayer breakfast this year. A resource pack including helpful information on what Te Raranga is involved in was made available, and if you missed it, files are available here. Photos from [...]
[...] involved has been pleased at the goodwill that has been expressed so far. A volunteer from Te Raranga will be approaching churches across the city to ensure we provide accurate information, however [...]
[...] groups to develop, target and coordinate their work programmes and activities for the psychosocial recovery of greater Christchurch communities. It identifies three priority action areas to achieve [...]
[...] of the earthquakes and how to mitigate these. He wrote: “A comprehensive and effective psychosocial recovery programme needs to support the majority of the population who need some psychosocial [...]
[...] across the site. But by this time a new plan had emerged, with churches across the greater-Christchurch area launching a new EC on Tour, pooling all their resources. This mobile camp started on [...]
[...] the wonderful support of the churches of the city, we were able to see every home in the greater-Christchurch area have access to postcards to share with their neighbours, helping to develop stronger [...]
[...] coordinate their work programmes and activities for the psychosocial recovery of greater Christchurch communities. It identifies three priority action areas to achieve its principles and objectives: [...]
[...] destroy the natural selfishness of the human heart and lead Christians to sacrificial service that benefits the whole city” to quote Tim Keller (Centre Church p172). And [...]
[...] should destroy the natural selfishness of the human heart and lead Christians to sacrificial service that benefits the whole city.” He goes on to write, “Christians should seek to live [...]
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